Year 6 have been experimenting with Cubism. They used a range of different materials to recreate a still life, playing with perspective, shape and colour. The aim was to create an idea of the still life rather than a precise reproduction.
Sports Day Practice
Year 6 have been getting ready for Sports Day. There’s been lots of team planning and support. Which team will win the coveted trophy this Year?
Northumbria Squash Tournament June 2024
Well done to Zabian who came 4th out of 12 in the Northumberland U13 Squash Tournament and just marginally missed out on Bronze by a few points. A fantastic achievement!
Cubism Y6 2024
As part of their art topic, Year 6 have been learning about the revolutionary and innovative style of art known as Cubism. They have been learning about Pablo Picasso and comparing his cubism artwork to the still life work of Patrick Caulfield. They then explored cubism by experimenting with…
Year 6 Library Visit May 2024
Year 6 made their final visit to Egremont Library with their peers from St. Bridget’s today. They demonstrated that they now know how to independently return, renew and borrow new books from their local library; skills that will prove invaluable as they move to their next stage of education.
Feast of St Mary
Year 6 took part in a special service at St Mary’s Church to celebrate the month of Mary alongside representatives from other local schools. They sang beautifully in church and placed their flowers on the alter at the Grotto.
Friendships 2024
What a lovely day Year 6 had today! Year 6 had a well-deserved break from their studies after a tough week of SATs to spend quality time with their friends and enjoy a veritable feast.
Last Day of SATs 2024
A huge well done to our Year 6 children who have worked so hard in preparation for their end of Key Stage tests. We are immensely proud of each and every child in Y6. This afternoon they relaxed with an ice lolly in the warm sunshine and had a photo shoot with their friends wearing their…
Year 6 Cricket May 2024
Year 6 have been learning key bat and ball skills and catching and throwing skills necessary for cricket. They have really enjoyed being out in the fresh air putting their skills into practice.
Ball Games
Year 6 have been getting lots of exercise. This week they applied their ball skills during some team games. They had to work together as a team to win points by obtaining then keeping possession of the ball, dribbling to their base or tackling the opposition to gain possession of the ball and…
SATs Week 2024
A huge well done to our hard working Year 6 children. After enjoying a hearty breakfast and some fresh air, they have been settling down to complete their SATs papers.
Dream Big
Year 6 have taken part in a brilliant workshop this afternoon, finding out all about the career opportunities both within Cumbria and nationwide. They found out about all the exciting businesses within Cumbria (some even very close to home), the wide range of jobs available and that some of these…