Year 2 Football Tournament May 2024
Some of our Year 2 children attended a 7-a-side Year 2 football tournament at Cleator Moor today. There were some fabulous games of football by our team. Their ball game improved with every match with great tackles, goals, saves, tactics and teamwork. They showed great passion and resilience…
Exploring Mass in Year 2
Year 2 have been using the pan balances to find out what mass objects are in cubes. They chose an object from the classroom and made it equal to the opposite pan balance. When they were balanced, they had to count how many cubes the mass was and were quite surprised at some of the…
Measuring in Year 2 2024
Year 2 have been learning to measure lengths and heights using centimetres and metres. They used this to place some objects, of their choice, in order by length. First of all they measured the objects and recorded the results. They compared the measurements to find the shortest and longest lengths…
Year 2 Cricket Session
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first cricket session with the coach, Matthew. They practised catching the ball and throwing the ball overarm to try and hit the stumps. They also learned how to hold the cricket bat correctly to strike the ball. They cannot wait for their next…
Easter Fun in Year 2 2024
Last week in R.E. the Year 2 children went outdoors to act out the story of the events on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. They reflected on how he died for us and came back to life. This week they have been thinking about how they give thanks and what for. Then they acted out the story of the Last…
Year 2 Karate Taster Session March 2024
Dylan Swarbrick came into school and provided each class with a karate session. Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed finding out about the noble art of karate and having a go at some of the moves involved in karate. They learned how to strike and block with their hands before attempting to use their balance…
Year 2 Visit to Strudda Bank Farm March 2024
As part of Science Week Year 2 visited Strudda Bank Farm to find out where their food comes from and what happens on a farm. They looked at different grains that are grown and used in the human and animal food chains. They fed some cows, sat in the tractor, stroked and held one-day-old lambs, met…
Year 2 Bring the Water Cycle to Life
Over the past few weeks Year 2 have been reading ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith, in their reading lessons, plus some other texts linked to the water cycle. They used what they had learned to show the water cycle using collage.
Year 2 Virtual Author Visit March 2024
Year 1 joined Year 2 for a virtual author and illustrator visit this afternoon. The children listened to the author Kelechi Okafor read her latest book ‘Strong Like Me’. It told the children about the importance of strength in all its forms. Afterwards the illustrator of the book Michaela…
Year 2 Explore Painting with Natural Materials
Our Year 2 children are currently focusing on painting in their Art and Design lessons. They went in the outdoor area of the school to find some natural materials that they could use to paint with. The children found many different items and talked about which parts of the materials they would use…
Year 2 enjoy Professor Pumpernickel’s ScienceShow 2024
Science Week literally started with a bang! Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show did not disappoint. The children were hooked from beginning to the end. They thoroughly enjoyed learning about chemistry and physics and were full of awe and wonder at all the chemical reactions they…
World Book Day 2024 in Year 2
Year 2 love to read and thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. They began the day with a World Book day Treasure Hunt outdoors where they had to solve clues about books to find the next clues and collect letters of the alphabet. The children returned to class where they completed a Library…