Image of Year 2 Christmas Play
12 December 2018

Year 2 Christmas Play

Year 2 performed their Christmas Play today. Each and every little performer was a star and demonstrated what great talents they have. Well done Year 2 for all your hard work and for such a fabulous performance! 

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Image of Year2 Computing & Art
7 December 2018

Year2 Computing & Art

Year 2 enjoyed using 2Paint a Picture to create their own pieces of art in the style of George-Pierre Seurat who was famous for using the techniques pointillism. The children were very interested in how images could be created by using an arrangement of dots and altering the size, colour, shades…

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Image of Year 2 Mile a Day
30 November 2018

Year 2 Mile a Day

Year 2 continue to keep active by enjoying some Autumn sunshine as they run their Mile a Day. 

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Image of Year 2 Writers
30 November 2018

Year 2 Writers

Year 2 have been reading books written by Anthony  Browne. After some role play activities, they predicted what they thought the children might find at the end of the tunnel. This morning they used their plans to write their own ending to the story. 

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Image of Year 2 Science Investigation
27 November 2018

Year 2 Science Investigation

Year 2 enjoyed being scientists. They were investigating different materials to find out if they are waterproof. Before they carried out the investigation, they planned what they were going to do and made predictions. 


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Image of Year 2 Computing
23 November 2018

Year 2 Computing

Year 2 enjoyed creating their own artwork in the style of Mondrian using 2Paint a Picture. What budding artists we have in Year 2! 


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Image of Year 2 Computing
16 November 2018

Year 2 Computing

Year 2 really enjoyed using 2PaintaPicture to create their very own Superhero Logos today. What an artistic talent we have in Year 2! 


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Image of Year 2 Library Visit
16 November 2018

Year 2 Library Visit

Year 2 visited Egremont Library today. They enjoyed looking at all the different types of books there are. They all chose a book to withdraw using thier library card.Happy reading! 


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Image of Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed meeting Pudey Bear this afternoon. He was a lot taller than they expected! 


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Image of Year 2 Gymnastics Competition
14 November 2018

Year 2 Gymnastics Competition

Some of Year 2 participated in a gymnastics competition today. They have spent many weeks working hard perfecting their routines and today they had the opportunity to perform in front of judges from St Benedict’s School. We are very proud of how well they conducted themselves and of how well they…

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Image of Year 2 Remembrance Week
9 November 2018

Year 2 Remembrance Week

This week Year 2 have learning about what Remembrance Day is and its significance. They enjoyed making poppies using different materials to illustrate their learning. 


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Image of Year 2 Shabbat
1 November 2018

Year 2 Shabbat

Year 2 have been learning about Shabbat this week. They have written a letter, a poem and designed an information poster. They think it is a great day because it’s a day of complete rest which means no homework. 


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