Y1 Part-Whole Models
In maths year 1 have been learning how to use Part-Whole Models. Today we explored creating these practically with our partners. Partner 1 added the parts using counters. Partner 2 added the parts together and wrote the whole. Both partners self checked and then swapped around. Great work.
Year 1 Explore Seasons at Whinlatter
Year 1 enjoyed a very wet Whinlatter trip to learn more about the changing seasons. We explored the Forest with Ruth looking for signs of seasonal change. We found pine cones and a couple of sharp eyes spotted some red squirrels. We found evergreen trees that keep their leaves all year round and…
Year 1 Vote
Year 1 enjoyed voting in their first School Election. Those who volunteered to be candidates gave speeches to explain why they would make good councillors. We then held a vote and used an ‘X’ on the voting slips to make our choices. Year 6 helped to organise the voting. The votes were counted and…
Y1 Visit Egremont Library
Year 1 enjoyed their visit to Egremont Library. Tracey the Librarian explained how we can use our cards to borrow books. We explored different book choices before choosing one to take home. We enjoyed a class story time together and then checked out our books. Thank you Tracey we will look forward…
Year 1 Pet Encounters
Thank you to The Brilliant Cumbria initiative for organising a pet Encounters to visit today. We enjoyed being challenged to face our fears and to learn about the animals. We were all very brave and had so much fun. Thank you to Pet Encounters.
Move Up Day in Year 2
This morning the Year 1 children moved up to Year 2 to spend some time in their new classroom. They listened to the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds then created artwork of their own that started with a dot. They produced many wonderful and imaginative creations. Later on they wrote about their…
African Drumming with Zozo
Zozo returned for our final session learning and playing the African ‘Djembe’ drums. Zozo reviewed all the previous learning and celebrated the learning achieved. Year 1 followed Zozo’s rhythms and copied the patterns. Then Year 1 enjoyed listening to an African story where some children were…
GB Paralympian Visit
Today we welcomed Jonathan Paterson a GB Paralympic Footballer. He captained the Paralympics GB side on the his Games debut at Beijing in 2008 and also at the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Games. Jonathan was born with right sided cerebral palsy and has always been motivated to prove any doubters or…
Y1 Sports Day
Year 1 had a fantastic time competing in Sports Day. It was great fun racing and cheering everyone on. Congratulations to the green team who were the winners.
Year 1 find out ‘Can you build with bread?’
In our D&T lessons we have been investigating answering ‘Can you build with bread?’. We have been building a house for the three little pigs. After investigating we decided to heat the bread first to make toast as it is more sturdy for building with. We made our own cement choosing our own…
A Party Fit for a King
Year 1 celebrated in royal style. We enjoyed making our own crowns to wear at our street party. We decorated ourselves with Union Jack face paints and tattoos. We bounced till we dropped and finished off with an ice cream or ice lolly. Having our lunch with all the classes joined together…
Y1 Amazing Art
In our Textiles lessons we have been learning to attach materials in different ways and add colour, pattern and texture.