Image of Marvellous Measuring in Year 1
21 March 2023

Marvellous Measuring in Year 1

Today we have been learning about measuring length. We have been using non-standard measures like cubes, paper clips, rubbers and hands.  We have measured objects around our classroom using cubes.  We had lots of fun counting the cubes to find out the length and we even measured a row of tables! 

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Image of Y1 Forest School Fun
18 March 2023

Y1 Forest School Fun

Into the woods for more fantastic learning experiences with Mia our Forest School Leader. We enjoyed creating our own necklaces. We used tools to create the hole for the string to go through. We explored climbing trees and had great fun playing group games. This week we saw lots of progress with…

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Image of Y1 Wonder in the Wonder Dome
18 March 2023

Y1 Wonder in the Wonder Dome

Year 1 enjoyed a fascinating and fun interactive Planetarium Show in the Wonder Dome.  It showed Year 1 how wonderful and intriguing the universe is.  The Wonder Dome created a magical learning environment to learn all about the wonders of space with a 360 degree immersive experience. We learnt…

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Image of Science Sounds Fun in Year 1
18 March 2023

Science Sounds Fun in Year 1

As part of British Science Week Year 1 had a scientific enquiry based on this year’s theme of ‘Connections’. We learnt how sound travels in ‘sound waves’.  We created cup and string telephones. We investigated if sound could travel along the string to send a message.  We started with measuring…

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Image of World Maths Day in Year 1
12 March 2023

World Maths Day in Year 1

As part of our number day fun today we made our own ‘Number Museum’.  We worked in pairs and chose a number.  Then we made our number in different ways.  We practised writing it, drawing it and making it using cubes, ten frames, base 10 and Numicon.  Next we displayed all the ways we made our…

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Image of African Drumming with Zozo
2 March 2023

African Drumming with Zozo

Today we welcomed back Zozo to continue our learning playing African Drums. We learnt about the syllables in our names and used the Djembe (drums) to create the beats. We learnt how to hold an open hand position on the Djembe.  Zozo taught a new song about a chicken and we loved putting actions to…

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Image of Y1 World Book Day
2 March 2023

Y1 World Book Day

Year 1 loved celebrating World Book Day. We enjoyed dressing up as our favourite characters. In class we made our own poems and shared our work together. It was fun sharing our favourite stories and listening to new ones. 


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Image of Forest School Fun for Year 1
2 March 2023

Forest School Fun for Year 1

Year 1 enjoyed their first Forest School session today at Longlands Lake. We enjoyed exploring the woodland, jumping in muddy puddles and being outside. It was so much fun to relax in hammocks. Walking to the Forest School we enjoyed spotting all the different wildlife around.  We can’t wait for…

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Image of Year 1 Chefs make Vegetable Kebabs
17 February 2023

Year 1 Chefs make Vegetable Kebabs

In Design and Technology Year 1 have been learning about food and nutrition. We have already made Rainbow Wraps and today we created Vegetable Kebabs. We used courgettes, red, yellow and green peppers, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. We used all the cutting techniques to chop the vegetables safely.…

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Image of Year 1 Visit Bowness-on-Windermere
10 February 2023

Year 1 Visit Bowness-on-Windermere

Year 1 enjoyed an action packed day in Bowness-on-Windermere. First, we visited The World of Beatrix Potter. In English we have been reading The Tale of Peter Rabbit so it was amazing to learn more about the author and the other stories she created. We enjoyed getting up close with the different…

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Image of Y1 Digital Footprint
9 February 2023

Y1 Digital Footprint

As part of ‘Safer Internet Day’ Year 1 learnt about what a digital footprint is. They discovered that a digital footprint is a trail that we leave behind every time we go online.  We learnt that websites can record that we have visited sites.  Knowing our digital footprint is part of staying…

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Image of Visiting Egremont Library
8 February 2023

Visiting Egremont Library

On Thursday 2nd February Year 1 enjoyed visiting Egremont Library. Tracey the Librarian explained all about her job. We learnt we could borrow a book and then return it in 3 weeks time. We enjoyed exploring fiction and non-fiction. After we had enjoyed sharing books we checked out the book we had…

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