Image of World Book Day in Year One
7 March 2019

World Book Day in Year One

Year One had a great time dressing up today for World Book Day. We shared our favourite books with our friends and designed a new front cover for our book Man on the Moon.

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Image of Ash Wednesday
6 March 2019

Ash Wednesday

Today we received our ashes as a sign of the start of Lent.  Here’s hoping we can all keep the lentern promises we have made.


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Image of Shrove Tuesday in Y1
6 March 2019

Shrove Tuesday in Y1

We have been learning the meaning behind Shrove Tuesday and have discovered that we say sorry to God to be ‘shriven’.  We then enjoyed delicious pancakes in preparation for Lent. 


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Image of Multiskills
6 March 2019


Year one sent some representatives to St Benedict’s today for a multiskills tournament.  They were very well behaved and had a great time joining in on all these games.

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Image of Taller or shorter ??
26 February 2019

Taller or shorter ??

Year one have taken advantage of the glorious weather and taken our maths lesson outside.  We were drawing pictures that were taller or shorter and larger or smaller.  We labelled the pictures and even drew around our friends to measure.  We really enjoyed our outside lesson and hope this weather…

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Image of Story Map Editing
16 February 2019

Story Map Editing

We have had a great time learning our story Billy’s Bucket. We have made changes to the maps and are now writing our own versions. 


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Image of Floating and sinking experiment
16 February 2019

Floating and sinking experiment

We have had a great time trying our experiment into will it float? 

We got lots of items and predicted if it would float. We tested our theory and recorded the results in our books. 


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Image of Making Dragons
16 February 2019

Making Dragons

We have thoroughly enjoyed making dancing dragons as part of our Chinese New Year celebration day.  We even had some time to make our dragons dance to some traditional Chinese music.


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Image of St Bridget’s Cross
1 February 2019

St Bridget’s Cross

Year 1 have been hearing the story of St Bridget this week and we have tried to weave a cross.  It was quite difficult but with a little help we managed to make some stunning crosses.

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Image of Is it waterproof?
31 January 2019

Is it waterproof?

Year 1 had a great time today testing to see if different materials were waterproof.  We dropped water onto each material and discovered which absorbed the water the quickest and which was waterproof. 


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Image of Gymnastics
28 January 2019


In our gymnastics today we have been learning how to safely travel and jump.  We have also been working on landing on 2 feet and finishing with finesse.


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Image of Rain Dance
25 January 2019

Rain Dance

Year One have had a great time this week focussing on the story ‘Bring the Rain to Kapiti Plain’.  We looked at the weather in the story and decided we would help end the drought by making our own rain dance to the music.  Sorry for all the rain since- oops!!


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