Drama in Year 1
We were very lucky today in Year 1 to have Ben and Holly come into class to do some drama skills with us. We played lots of games and had an amazing time.
Face painting for the summer fete
The children in Year 1 have had a lovely morning having their faces painted before the Summer Fete.
Year 1&2 Trip to Energi Park and Bitts Park
Year 1&2 have had a fun filled day at the Energi Trampoline Park in Carlisle. The children bounced around using lots of energy and were a credit to the school. We then went to Bitts Park for a lovely picnic lunch and a play on the play park. A big thank you to all the helpers on the trip and to…
Library visit
Year One have had a fabulous visit to the library this morning. We heard all about the summer reading challenge and have some keen readers ready to tackle the challenge.
Police dog visits Year 1
We were very lucky to have the police dogs visit Year 1 today. The children had some very interesting questions for the handlers. We found out about how they are trained and what they like to eat, amongst other things.
Ordering the months of the year
In Year 1 today we have been ordering the months of the year. We wrote the months on strips of paper to practise our spelling and then ordered them into paper chains. They look amazing hanging in our book corner.
Stories in the Sunshine
Today we took advantage of the sunshine and had our class story in the lovely cool gazebo. Our stories had an animal theme and taught us about how nice it is to make time for the people we love.
Our School Grounds
As part of our local area topic we today have been looking at our school grounds. We looked at all the different materials we have in our school and took rubbings to show the different textures our school and playground have. We are hoping to visit the castle and create similar rubbings to…
Shopping in Year 1
In year 1 this morning we have been shopping for different items. We shopped for items priced between 10p and 50p using coins to make the amounts. We then took our shopping to the till and the cashier checked our money was correct.
Goodbye Tadpoles
We said a fond fairwell to our tadpoles today. Becca has taken them back to the pond at Florence Arts Centre as they were developing both front and back legs. We can visit the pond to see how they are getting on a little later in the year.
Tadpole visit
Becca came for a visit today to check on our class tadpoles, she was happy with the progress however we need to feed them up. She then read us a story she had written about frogs.
Year 1 tadpole update
We were very excited to come back to school to one of our tadpoles becoming a frog. We finally managed to get a picture of the froglet.