Year 1 Gymnastics
Year 1 have had a great gymnastics session today learning about core strength and balancing. We learned new balances and helped to support our partner when needed.
Phonics Investigation
In our phonics this week we have been using our detective skills to spot the sounds that go together. We have been sounding them out and seeing how many sounds we could spot hiding in our story.
Gymnastics in Year One
Year One have enjoyed learning gymnastics today. We looked at different positions for our body to be in and learned the technical names for them. We are looking forward to learning a routine soon.
Christmas comes to Year One
After our amazing performance year one have had a busy week making cards and calendars using repeating patterns. We also made a bauble for the class Christmas tree with a piece of ribbon attached showing how tall we are. These crafts will be coming home next week.
The Innkeeper’s Breakfast
Well done year one for two amazing nativity performances not to mention all the hard work they put in to learn lines and dances. A big thank you to everyone who came to watch us and to the parents for the amazing costumes. We are very proud of you all. Merry Christmas x
3D shape in year 1
Year 1 have been learning about 3D shape this week. We have identified the names and properties. Then we became shape detectives and hunted down hidden 3D shapes in class. To finish our week we made shapes from spaghetti and marshmallows.
Year 1 Pudsey Visit
Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Pudsey Bear yesterday.
Halloween in Year 1
Year one have had a spook-tacular time this week writing instructions for our hand print witches/wizard hats and brooms. We really enjoyed getting messy today and making our Halloween slime potion.
Y1’s Tullie House Visit
Year 1 have had an amazing visit to Tullie House today. We have discovered different kinds of moving toys, explored what toys could be used outside, dressed up and used our imagination and made a toy to take home. We then went to look around the museum and the art gallery before heading home.…
Judo in Year 1
We are continuing to enjoy our Judo lessons and are enhancing our skills as the weeks go by.
Year 1 Library Visit
Year 1 had a fantastic visit to the library today. We listened to a story and then had a good look at what books they had to offer and read a few in small groups.
Ordering objects in Year1
Year 1 have been ordering objects today we made three towers and then our partner had to order them from biggest number to smallest number.