Y1 Library Visit for World Book Day
Year 1 have enjoyed a fantastic trip to Egremont Library to celebrate World Book Day. We enjoyed sharing stories and choosing a book to take home. At the end of our session we shared a class story of ‘The Gruffalo’. We enjoyed exploring the story sack that contained all the characters from ‘The…
Y1 Treasure Hunt
On Friday our phonics frog Fred made a treasure hunt for us along with some help from Miss Flynn and some Year 5 helpers. We had a map to follow and hunted high and low for clues all around school. It was lots of fun and we enjoyed working out the clues, some were linked to our Geography topic…
Y1 Make e-books
Over the past few weeks Year 1 have been using their computing lessons to create their own e-books. The children have created their own images, animated them and added sounds. Along with this they have added text to accompany their stories. All this has been created using Purple Mash the…
Y1 Number Bonds
Today we worked number bonds to 10. We supported our learning by using Numicon to self check our calculations. Some groups also used Play-Doh to explore all the possible number bonds combinations to 10. We then enjoyed using our understanding to extend to number bonds to 20.…
Y1 Self-Portraits
This afternoon we learnt about the techniques involved in creating a self-portrait. We used photos of ourselves to allow us to focus on our features. Some of the self-portraits still need finishing touches but what a fantastic effort from…
Y1 Maths
Today we enjoyed working in partners developing our understanding of ‘Tens and Ones’. We encouraged each other to self check our answers and check for clear digits.
Year 1 Nativity Play
Well done Year 1 on their performance of ‘Shine Shine Star’. Everyone worked hard to give the best performance they could. They all shone bright.
Year 1 Year of the Eucharist
Year One enjoyed visiting Church this morning to celebrate the end of ‘The Year of the Eucharist’. We said a prayer and quietly reflected. Well done Year One for being so respectful.
Y1 Anti-Bullying Day
Year One have had a wonderful day showing kindness to one another. In the afternoon we made kindness hearts for our friends and families. We especially enjoying delivering them around school.
Y1 Castles D&T
Year One have enjoyed a productive day creating their own castles. Some of us may have more paint on ourselves than on the castles but we did have fun! The children designed their own to make sure they included key features such as ramparts, towers and of course a portcullis. They are still…
Year 1 Carlisle Castle
Year 1 have had a fantastic trip to Carlisle Castle. We enjoyed seeing all the features we have learnt about in our History topic in real life. We also loved learning some gruesome facts! We learnt about who lived in Castles and the clothes they wore. Year 1 behaved excellently and this was…
Y1 Computing
Year 1 have been working hard at being able to log on independently using their usernames and passwords. Today’s session definitely showed how well they are progressing at this. We enjoyed playing maths games on Purple Mash. Remember to log on to TT Rockstars at…