Fabulous Fun in Reception!
We came back to School and were so pleased and excited to see all our friends! To add to the excitement, we have new Outdoor equipment to help us to learn more through Outdoor Play, from bats and balls and our new Basketball Hoop, to planks and stumps of wood so we can create our own obstacle…
Spectacular Space Science
On our return to School, our Topic is ‘Whatever Next,’ the story about Little Bear that created a rocket out of a cardboard box and flew to the moon! This coincided with Science Week so we decided to carry out some Space Science! From fizzing planets, making moon craters and shining stars, we…
Sharing Stories on World Book Day
Our theme for this year’s World Book Day was Sharing Stories! We dressed up or wore our pyjamas and shared stories with our Grown Ups and told stories which we recorded and sent via Class Dojo! We love books and had a really exciting day, especially as we have learnt about the author Julia…
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
We had lots of fun this week! Our story was the Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson and we used this to think about our PSHE, particularly mental health. We did lots of talking about emotions and what makes us happy! We know that we must talk about worries if we have them but we can also…
Magic from Our Reception Children
Along with their work on shape and number and following all their Speed Sound sessions, the Reception children talked about the Gruffalo’s friend, the kind witch, who invited all her animal friends to share her broom until it was too heavy and it snapped in two! The children were challenged to…
Lovely Learning at home
Our Reception children are learning about The Gruffalo and his friends! We have introduced and talked about the author Julia Donaldson and all the super stories that she wrote! The children have made, baked and created Gruffalo pictures, food, models and puppets. We’ve looked at settings and…
Christmas Capers in Reception
We have been so excited to find magical visitors have been in our Classroom overnight! The children have asked questions, used fabulous storytelling vocabulary to work out and find out what is happening! Santa, the Elves and the Fairies have played an important part in our learning over the last…
Odd socks and rainbows
This week we started the week wearing odd socks! This was to kick start our learning about bullying for anti bullying week! The odd socks told us that it’s ok to be different and to be proud just to be ourselves! Mrs Bear celebrated her big birthday and we helped her to celebrate with lots of…
Remembering in Reception
We all wore red on 11th November to remember all the soldiers who have gone away to fight in wars so that we can live freely and safely! We have played with red sand, made poppies out of dough, completed observational paintings and painted on a large scale outside! We noticed in Bear Hunt that…
Spooky fun in Reception
During this week we have enjoyed listening to lots of stories about pumpkins! We made Cinderella’s Coach by melting wax crayons on it, we made and tasted pumpkin soup, we enjoyed sparklers on Bonfire Night and made up fantastic stories about broomsticks and magic!
Traction Men
This week we have listened to and retold our own version of Traction Man. We loved the descriptions of the ‘evil pillows’ and the ‘poisonous dish cloth.’ We have made superheroes out of 2D shapes and weighed and measured pictures of superheroes. We have learning through play outside using every…
Reception celebrates World Mental Health Day
Today we have thought about mental health. We talked about not being able to put a plaster on it when we are sad, worried or scared. We learnt about talking and some more mindfulness activities like mindful eating. We thought about how amazing we all are and have made some Marvellous…