Year 3 develop ball skills
We enjoyed learning and developing our skills in netball and ⚽️ today. It was fun and we worked well as a team!
Investigating the force of friction
We really enjoyed investigating which surface caused the greatest friction on the wheels of our car. We elevated our ramp to see how much friction was created on different surfaces. Carpet is soft, thick and bumpy so we predicted that this would cause most friction. We were right!
Year 3 and 4 Athletics Festival
Our Year 3 and 4 children were excellent role models at the Whitehaven Athletics Festival today. We were very proud of their behaviour and their athletic performance. We await the results, but either way, we had a great time. Thanks to Mr Stead for joining us today.
Y3 Adoration to end the Year of the Eucharist
Year 3 said prayers of adoration and prayed silently for their own intentions. The Year of the Eucharist ends today.
The Roman Senhouse Museum
We had a wonderful day and a superb start to our new topic about the Romans. We took part in treasure hunting, food tasting, role play, dressing up and clay sculpture. We learnt so much about Romans in our local area.
Building Neolithic homes
Year 3 completed their Neolithic homes today. We had a great time using stones, sticks and leaves collected from home and school. We have studied what homes were made from during different periods across Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic timescales.
Gymnastics in Y3
Year 3 are very flexible and agile. They took part in a variety of athletic jumps from apparatus. They explored controlled, elegant landings.
Year 4 develop watercolour and oil pastel skills
Year 4 learnt new techniques to create different effects with their paint brush. They used watercolours to create a landscape which showed a variety of painting techniques. They also explored how to blend and apply oil pastel for best effect on their bonfire
Gymnastics Year 3
Year 3 have been practising their rolls and now know how to do cartwheels! We are so good at gymnastics!
Year 3 had a spooktacular day!
Year 3 enjoyed a fun filled day with lots of activities. They looked amazing in their scary costumes. An excellent effort from children and parents to make them look so goulish. We plan to write instructions for one of our activities: pumpkin
Making a Neolithic home
We really enjoyed making our Neolithic homes today. We brought in bits and bobs from home and collected some in school too. Houses are to be completed after half term.
Art and design
Preparing for winter weather with seasonal artwork. Children created winter silhouettes using oil pastel, paint and black marker pen.