Year 3 Science Week Engineers 2025
Year 3 celebrated Science Week by becoming engineers. They planned and carried out a STEM project to build a bridge for the 3 Billy Goat Gruffs to use to get across the river and avoid the troll. They had 3 heavy goats to support and 10 minutes to create it. They all made it. In fact, all bridges…
Year 3 Treat Afternoon
Well done Year 3, for wonderful singing, behaviour and reverence in mass last week. Mrs Stead brought in chocolates. They watched part of a movie, ate popcorn and had an afternoon playtime to reward the wonderful impression that they left with our RE Inspectors. They said that all of our children…
Year 3 take part in the Biggest ever football event 2025
Year 3 teamed up with year 4 to enjoy football matches and a penalty shoot out. It was so much fun!
Year 3 celebrate World Book Day 2025
Year 3 had a great World Book Day spending time colouring in, doing word searches, reading to Miss Carty and reading stories to the Year 1 children. They all looked great in their costumes and pjs.
Year 3 Super Swimmers
Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed swimming this week. They have really boosted their water confidence and had a great time. There are some very determined and tired children this week. Well done Year 3.
Year 3 wear red for the Pope’s intention.
As instructed by Pope Francis, Year 3 stand up against injustice and prejudice, instead they promoted love today. They made cards for the people that they love and considered Scripture from Corinthians that explains what love is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2025
Year 3 learnt all about scams, phishing and parental controls that are used on Disney Plus.
We discussed the different apps that children use at home and in school and how scams try to take money and personal details from unsuspecting victims. We considered how to keep ourselves safe online, as…
Year 3 Library Visit 2025
Year 3 had a walk to the library this afternoon to choose a book, they chose fiction and non-fiction. They can’t wait to go home to read them.
Year 3 NSPCC Number Day
Year 3 carried out maths activities, multiplication colouring and dressed in non-uniform number clothes. Happy Number day!t
Year 3 Children’s Mental Health Week 2025
Following the theme of ‘Know yourself, Grow yourself’, we have been talking about our inner feelings and the Growth Mindset. We decided as a class that we would try to be happier, quieter and drink more water. This would help us to grow in a healthy mind and body.
We have been carrying out…
Year 3 test surfaces friction
Year 3 have been testing surfaces to see which one creates the most friction on a toy car. They sent the car down a ramp, onto a variety of different surfaces and discovered that grass created the most friction.
They measured how far the car travelled and tested each surface three times to…
Year 3 celebrate St. Bridget’s Feast Day 2025
Year 3 celebrated St. Bridget’s Feast day which is in the 1st of February. We went to Mass, sang her hymn, said her prayer and made prayer cards to give to the elderly and sick. We had a fantastic time learning all about our Patron’s early life, her cloak and her cross. She was a very kind lady…