Science - Rock study
The children have been learning about the different types of natural and man-made rocks. They used their rocks that they had brought in for homework, to identify what type of rock they were (sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic) and make some detailed drawings using their magnifying…
Year 3 have a fantastic first day!
Welcome back to our hard working year 3 children, who made a great start to the Autumn term. We also welcome Miss Lawson who supports our Year 3 children. Please look out for the Year 3 newsletter that will follow soon!
World Religions Presentation
We researched World Religions such as: Hindu, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Islam. We produced a poster to show others.
Play Leaders are ready to go!
Year 5 enjoyed learning how to become play leaders. Now they are out and about at playtimes, helping everyone to make the most of play times and have fun.
Y5 British Science Day 2019
Calling all Science Professors. A day filled with research and investigations! Firstly, we researched Lunar Buggies used to explore the moon and designed our own prototypes to be constructed. Then we investigated which boat would have the greatest buoyancy and carry the most marbles. Finally, we…
French Food Sampling
We have been studying French culture, including religion,.famous people, education, schools and food. We enjoyed sampling some baguettes, brie, jam and garlic roule. We tasted French breakfast: pain au chocolate and crepes. Mmmmmmmm
World Book Day Y5
Year 5 really enjoyed World Book Day activities. Everyone made a big effort and looked amazing in their costumes. Check out our BFG dream jars. We really enjoyed sharing a book with Y2 children. Well done Year 5 - an amazing day!
Ash Wednesday
Year 5 learnt all about the importance of Ash Wednesday as being the start of Lent. They received an ash cross on their forehead.
Year 5 enjoyed improving ther cricket skills with Chad to help them. It was a lovely sunny day!
Cyclewise Assessment Day
The weather did not stop us completing our cycle training. We all wrapped up warm warm and went out for an intense final day, to help us to become safer on the roads.