All schools pray the Rosary
I hope that this clip is helpful in explaining to your children: How do we pray the Rosary?
Year 3 are super scientists
We had an amazing day on Friday. We carried out a plant investigation to see what plants need to grow. We had a fun filled practical workshop with Mrs Robson and ended the day with making our own volcanoes.
The science of cricket
Year 3 enjoyed improving their batting and fielding skills in cricket today. The tricky Science of Cricket! We had a great time!
Year 3 have great fun during World Book Day
We loved being in our pyjamas all day today and shared books with Year 4, in the sunshine. We wrote book reviews about our favourite books, designed bookmarks, used the internet to research our favourite authors and listened to our class novel with hot chocolate, cream, marshmallows and biscuits.
Writing a recipe for making pancakes!
Today we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes and writing a recipe to describe how we made them. We learnt the key features of an instructional text and enjoyed choosing our preferred toppings. Yummy!
Super Spanish Speaking
We really enjoyed learning how to count and ask people how they are in Spanish. We had some paired conversations in Spanish too!
Fancy footwork in football ⚽️ today
We had great fun practising our footwork in football today!
Year 3 develop ball skills
We enjoyed learning and developing our skills in netball and ⚽️ today. It was fun and we worked well as a team!
Investigating the force of friction
We really enjoyed investigating which surface caused the greatest friction on the wheels of our car. We elevated our ramp to see how much friction was created on different surfaces. Carpet is soft, thick and bumpy so we predicted that this would cause most friction. We were right!
Year 3 and 4 Athletics Festival
Our Year 3 and 4 children were excellent role models at the Whitehaven Athletics Festival today. We were very proud of their behaviour and their athletic performance. We await the results, but either way, we had a great time. Thanks to Mr Stead for joining us today.
Y3 Adoration to end the Year of the Eucharist
Year 3 said prayers of adoration and prayed silently for their own intentions. The Year of the Eucharist ends today.
The Roman Senhouse Museum
We had a wonderful day and a superb start to our new topic about the Romans. We took part in treasure hunting, food tasting, role play, dressing up and clay sculpture. We learnt so much about Romans in our local area.