Year 3 Mark Ascension Day
Year 3 learnt all about Ascension Day and did some wonderful illustrations.
Year 3 Share Happy Thoughts
We discussed that a healthy mind is a happy mind. We shared our happy thoughts with each other and sent them to parents too. They help to create our happiest thoughts.
Painting nature: Bluebell Wood at Muncaster Castle
We found the beautiful bluebell woods of Muncaster Castle to be such a natural wonder. We analysed it, sketched out the main lines to gain perspective and then couldn’t wait to paint it. We did a great job of using perspective, colour washes and painting techniques to create…
Year 3 Dance to Feel Good
Year 3 enjoyed music and wanted to express themselves with dance. As it was Mental Health Awareness Week, we found that this helps to give us a happy mind.
Investigating the best material for curtains
Year 3 were investigating which material was best for curtains and tested which material was good at blocking out light. They tried a variety of materials and most children discovered that dark polyester was most effective. They measured the strength and size of the shadow created and considered…
Year 3 enjoyed music in the gazebo
Year 3 enjoyed exploring a variety of instruments outdoors in the gazebo, during their music lesson.
Year 3 learn to skip
Year 3 have really enjoyed learning how to skip and improving their skills during PE. Now they skip at any opportunity. The skip counters have been up to 999!
Year 3 enjoy playing on Langley Castle
Year 3 have really enjoyed playing on Langley Castle today. We had great fun!
Year 3 enjoy St. Joseph’s Day
Year 3 enjoyed making Shrines to St. Joseph, praying to him and researching his life online. They ended the day munching on Italian breadsticks and eating mozzarella cheese.
Year 3 British Science Week
Year 3 had great fun, testing out which magnet was the strongest by attaching paper clips. They planned and carried out a fair test investigation using a variety of magnets; big and small. The smallest horseshoe magnet held 61 large paper clips!!! They were surprised that the bigger magnet only…
Year 3 enjoy World Book Day
Today, Year 3 celebrated World Book Day by wearing their pyjamas and sharing their favourite books. They drew alternative front covers and listened to stories before creating their own comic strip adventure.
Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2021
Children in Year 3 watched two live lessons and took part in several activities which made them question how far we can trust what we find online. They decided that they couldn’t trust everything they see online and know that certain measures are in place to help them to stay safe whilst online.