Year 2 Library Visit
Year 2 visited Egremont Library today. They enjoyed looking at all the different types of books there are. They all chose a book to withdraw using thier library card.Happy reading!
Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed meeting Pudey Bear this afternoon. He was a lot taller than they expected!
Year 2 Gymnastics Competition
Some of Year 2 participated in a gymnastics competition today. They have spent many weeks working hard perfecting their routines and today they had the opportunity to perform in front of judges from St Benedict’s School. We are very proud of how well they conducted themselves and of how well they…
Year 2 Remembrance Week
This week Year 2 have learning about what Remembrance Day is and its significance. They enjoyed making poppies using different materials to illustrate their learning.
Year 2 Shabbat
Year 2 have been learning about Shabbat this week. They have written a letter, a poem and designed an information poster. They think it is a great day because it’s a day of complete rest which means no homework.
Year 2 Halloween
Year 2 enjoyed some Halloween maths and some spooky treats: ‘Gruesome Gooey Cupcakes’ today.
Football Club
Years 3 & 4 have been improving their football skills during Football Club after school.
Year 2 Maths
Year 2 have been learning how to partition two digit numbers in different ways using the part whole model and base 10.
Year 2 Trip to Tullie House
Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Tullie House to meet a real life Superhero from the past. They learnt lots about how Florence Nightingale took risks and showed selflessness when she cared for injured soldiers. They also investigated and compared different objects from the past with objects we use today…
Year 2 Multi-Skills
Year 2 enjoyed themselves this morning at the multi-skills tournament at St Benedict’s School. They performed really well and even won some certificates for demonstrating excellent team spirit. Well done!
Year 2 Gymnastics
Year 2 have been learning how to balance and jump in gymnastics this morning in preparation for their competition.
Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
Year 2 listened to the word of God and, after reflection, to one another’s thoughts about giving praise to God.