Police Dog visits Year 2
Year 2 enjoyed a visit from a young trainee Police Dog this afternoon. They all sensibly stroked the dog and asked questions about its role within the police force. We think the dog enjoyed his visit as much as we did!
Year 2 Library Visit
Year 2 enjoyed visiting Egremont Library this morning. They found out about this year’s Summer Reading Challenge and are looking forward to joining in. The librarian was very impressed with their knowledge of children’s authors.
Year 2 African Silhouettes
As past of our topic: ‘Escape to Africa’ Year 2 spent a few days creating an African Silhouette. They used many skills including painting, drawing and cutting to create their own picture.
Year 2 R.E.
Today Year 2 have been learning about conscience and reconciliation during R.E. They examined their own consciences and the importance of saying sorry and really meaning it. Afterwards, they learnt a ‘Sorry Prayer’.
Phunky Foods
Children enjoyed being creative when making their own pizza at Phunky Foods after-school club today. Yum yum!
Year 2 Skipping in the Sun
Year 2 have been keeping fit by learning how to skip. Our champion can skip for a count of 45 jumps! Can you skip more than that?
Year 2 African Drums
Year 2 have been learning about the Djembe drum. We talked about the materials used to make the drum and listened to master djemebe drummers before creating our own rhythms.
Year 2 Bowls
Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a Bowls Tournament today in Egremont. They learned some new skills and had a wonderful time.
Year 2 Cross Country
A huge well done to Year 2 who ran their hearts out this afternoon at the Cross Country Tournament in the glorious sunshine. They showed a true determination to win and a wonderfully supportive team spirit.
Storytime in the Sunshine
Year 2 enjoyed listening to ‘The Butterfly Lion’ outside in the Story Area underneath the shade of the tree.
Year 2 Whitehaven Harbour Walk
Year 2 haven been learning about the history of their local area and how it links to other parts of the world. They learnt about how slaves from Africa were bought and sold.
Year 2 Rum Story
Year 2 enjoyed learning about how Whitehaven is connected to Africa at The Rum Story museum today.