World Book Day Share a Book
Year4 we’re delighted to join Nursery and share books together.
World Book Day Y4 2022
There were some interesting characters in Year 4 today. Can you guess the character?
Investigating Electricity
Year 4 have been testing a range of materials to find out if they are a conductor or insulator of electricity.
Year 4 have been learning about how to create an electrical circuit.
Internet Safety Day 2022
The theme for internet safety day this year was, ‘All the fun and games’. Year 4 worked in teams to design and make an online game designed for children to teach them about playing games online safely.
Mama Mia
Year 4 have been learning about ABBA in music. They are learning the lyrics to Mama Mia and enjoy a little bit of boogie while they sing a long.
Latitude and Longitude
Year 4 have been learning now to use coordinates to find the exact location of places around the world. They used an atlas to find the latitude and longitude coordinates.
Division Strategies in Y4
Year 4 have been learning about different strategies to use to carry out diving calculations. Today they chose use a strategy of their choice.
Christmas Wreaths Y4 2021
What a lot of skills Year 4 used today when making those Christmas Wreaths.
Year 4 Christmas Jumper Day 2021
We all enjoyed some Christmas crafts whilst listening to classic Christmas tunes.
Wild Rivers Field Trip 3 (2021)
We all had a go at pond dipping. We disturbed the riverbed to release invertebrates then captured a sample of the water so that we could make observations of any living organisms. We then used the scale to determine how fresh and unpolluted the water in the River Ehen is.
Wild Rivers Field Trip 2 (2021)
We made very detailed observations of a section of the River Ehen so that we could make a technical drawing of the area using map symbols.