School Council Elections in Year 2 2024
Year 2 have been voting for the two members of the class they would like to represent them in the School Council during this academic year. Every child casted their votes and cannot wait to find out the result of the ballot to see who the School Councillors will be.
Year 4 Maths Flexible Partitioning 2024
In Year 4 this week the children have been master mathematicians, flexibly partitioning different numbers. We have been using base ten and place value counters to create different ways of partitioning numbers up to 10,000…and challenging each other to create as many combinations as…
First Multiskills Session of the School Year 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first Multiskills session with their new coach Liam. The session focused on changing speed and direction. The children showed determination and passion to complete all the activities to their best ability and had great fun while doing so.
Observation Skills in Science 2024
Year 2’s first science lesson of the new school year focused on observation skills. The children used their senses to observe and describe a collection of rocks and shells in class, before going outdoors to explore and closely observe plants and animals in the school grounds. The children were…
Year 2 Summer Fun at Walby Farm Park 2024
Year 2 had a wonderful, sunny, action packed day out for their end of year Summer trip at Walby Farm Park. The day began with a tractor ride around the fields before exploring various play areas and seeing the animals in the animal barn. The children thoroughly earned their lunch and some of them…
Making Tally Marks July 2024
Year 2 started work on statistics in maths. The first lesson was looking at how to use tally marks to show different numbers in data collected. The children found it much easier to count when they grouped the marks in fives. Soon they will be able to use them to record their own findings in a…
Move Up Day to Year 2 2024
Year 1 went to spend the morning in Year 2 getting to know their new teachers and classroom. The children listened to a reading of the story called ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds and sang the song about it. They thought about how the character thought he couldn’t do something but it turned out that…
Year 2 SummerReading Challenge Library Visit 2024
Year 2 visited Egremont Library to find out all about how they can join and become involved in the Summer Reading Challenge. Sarah talked to the children about the challenge and got the children to look around the library to find books of different genres. The children were fascinated to see all…
Finding out about how seeds grow in Y2
Year 2 are learning about plants in their science lessons. They have been finding out what germination is and how seeds grow. They worked together to label germination and growth from a seed to a seedling. Afterwards they planted some sunflowers seeds and gave them different conditions to grow in…
Bees in the Trees Workshop with Year 2
This morning Bees in the Trees came to visit all the Infant classes. The children learned all about the life cycle of a bee and the different roles each type of bee plays in the beehive. Everyone had the chance to observe the bees up close at work in the beehive as well as handling some of the…
Active Maths Time
Year 2 began their work on time with an active maths lesson to recap o’clock and half past times. They had great fun moving around the playground in different ways and stopping to make given times on their individual clocks. What a great start it was to their work on time!
Exploring the School Grounds for Geography June 2024
As part of a geography unit on fieldwork and map skills, the Year 2 children have been exploring the school grounds to find physical and human features that they will need, in a future lesson, to show when drawing their own maps of the school grounds. The children also took the opportunity to play…