Year 2 and the Month of the Rosary 2024
As it is the Month of the Rosary, Year 2 have been praying the rosary. They have shown respect and reverence throughout. They have spent some time learning about and meditating on the mysteries of Jesus’ life so that they may draw closer to him through the intercession of Mary. They know that with…
World Mental Health Day 2024 in Year 2
Year 2 celebrated World Mental Health Day by dressing in yellow or their own clothes. Our representatives from the Well-being group requested that everyone take part in a brain break to allow them to regain focus and energy for their work. They did this by taking part in Sonic themed physical…
Year 2 Celebrate St Francis’s Feast Day 2024
Year 2 celebrated St Francis’ Feast Day with a class prayer and liturgy focused on him and what the Bible says about caring for animals. The children spent time finding out all about his life and the good works that he did. They found out that he is the patron saint of animals and loving and…
Rivers Workshop in Year 2 2024
Emma from West Cumbria Rivers Trust came into Year 2 to deliver a rivers workshop as part of their science unit of work. The children found out which animals and plants live in their local river and at Longlands Lake. They worked together to create a river habitat and used branching databases to…
Year 2 Learn to Skip
In Multiskills Year 2 have been working on performing different types of jumps. As part of this, they have been learning to skip with a skipping rope. They showed great determination to try and master this with some children succeeding. It was a jumping success!
Creating Great Waves in Year 2
In Art and Design Year 2 have been looking at the artwork of the artist and illustrator, Beth Krommes. They explored her artwork in the book ‘Swirl by Swirl’ by Joyce Sidman. The children recognised many different types of marks in her artwork. They used a mixture of these marks to create their…
Year 2 Explore Bible Stories
In R.E. Year 2 have been learning about the Holy Bible and how it is made of two parts and 73 books. The children found out many more facts about the Bible before they used an online Children’s Bible to read stories they know and explore some new stories too.
School Council Elections in Year 2 2024
Year 2 have been voting for the two members of the class they would like to represent them in the School Council during this academic year. Every child casted their votes and cannot wait to find out the result of the ballot to see who the School Councillors will be.
Year 4 Maths Flexible Partitioning 2024
In Year 4 this week the children have been master mathematicians, flexibly partitioning different numbers. We have been using base ten and place value counters to create different ways of partitioning numbers up to 10,000…and challenging each other to create as many combinations as…
First Multiskills Session of the School Year 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first Multiskills session with their new coach Liam. The session focused on changing speed and direction. The children showed determination and passion to complete all the activities to their best ability and had great fun while doing so.
Observation Skills in Science 2024
Year 2’s first science lesson of the new school year focused on observation skills. The children used their senses to observe and describe a collection of rocks and shells in class, before going outdoors to explore and closely observe plants and animals in the school grounds. The children were…
Year 2 Summer Fun at Walby Farm Park 2024
Year 2 had a wonderful, sunny, action packed day out for their end of year Summer trip at Walby Farm Park. The day began with a tractor ride around the fields before exploring various play areas and seeing the animals in the animal barn. The children thoroughly earned their lunch and some of them…