Infants Using the New Playground Equipment
The Infant children have had great fun at playtime this morning using the new playground equipment. It was lovely to see them all sharing, taking turns and having lots of fun with their friends.
Y2 Anti Bullying Week
Year 2 have been thinking about what bullying is and how it feels for the person who is bullying. They looked at some scenarios of people being bullied online and thought about how they would feel if it was them and who they would turn out for support. The children wrote and drew pictures of the…
Year 1 and Year 2 Attend Mass November 2024
Year 1 and Year 2 attended Mass today. They learned all about how they need to live a life of love because God is love and he wants us to live this out this in our lives. The children led the parish family in the singing of two hymns: ‘My God is so Big’ and ‘Thank you Lord for this New Day.’ The…
Year 1 and Year 2 Attend Mass November 2024
Year 1 and Year 2 attended Mass today. They learned all about how they need to live a life of love because God is love and he wants us to live this out this in our lives. The children led the parish family in the singing of two hymns: ‘My God is so Big’ and ‘Thank you Lord for this New Day.’ The…
World Diabetes Day 2024
This academic year Year 2 will be fundraising for the charity Diabetes UK. As 14th November is World Diabetes Day the children have been finding out about what diabetes is and how those with it control it using insulin. They listened to a short story about some children who have diabetes then were…
Year 2 Dress in Blue for Anti Bullying Week 2024
Year 2 celebrated Anti Bullying Week 2024 by coming to school dressed in blue or in their own clothes. This year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’. The children have spent time in HRSE this week thinking about their feelings and actions and how they can show respect to others in a range of…
Year 2 Friendship Disco 2024
Year 2 had a wonderful time at the Friendship Disco dancing and chatting with their friends from Reception,Year 1 and Year 2. They had thoroughly earned their drink and snack halfway through before continuing to dance to the end.
Odd Sock Day 2024 in Year 2
As part of Anti-Bullying Week the children came to school dressed in odd socks to celebrate their individuality and to stand up to bullying and discrimination. All the children were proud of the socks they wore and had great fun looking at the different combinations worn by others.
Year 2 Attend Remembrance Day 2024 at Egremont War Memorial
Year 2 attended a short service at the War Memorial to commemorate Remembrance Day. The children respectfully observed a minutes silence before listening to a reading of a poem and being led in prayer by Reverend Becky. The class representatives for the Ethos Group laid a wreath before returning…
Year 2 Library Bus Visit 2024
Year 2 enjoyed their first library van visit of the new school year. They enjoyed listening to a story read by the librarian before choosing a book each to take back to class. They are all looking forward to enjoying these in class over the coming weeks.
Year 2 Library Visit October 2024
Year 2 visited Egremont Library today to exchange books and choose a new book to take home. They had great fun looking at the different types of books available and shared them with each other. The visit ended with a storytime session by Miss McKendrey. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to…
Y2 Creation Artwork 2024
In R.E. Year 2 have been reflecting on God’s gift of creation and thinking about what they are grateful for. They looked at some artwork by the contemporary artist Andy Goldsworthy in which he uses natural materials to mimic natural land features and animals. The children had lots of fun finding…