Image of Phunky Fit with Year 1
19 November 2018

Phunky Fit with Year 1

This week in Phunky Fit club the Year 1 children made an alternative breakfast called Get Up and Go Smoothies. They found out all the different ingredients and why they are good for our bodies.



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Image of A visit from Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

A visit from Pudsey Bear

Reception were extremely excited to be visited by Pudsey Bear today. They asked many questions about who Pudsey Bear is and what he does. They spent some of the morning finding out about BBC Children in Need and how the money helps children who are less fortunate than…

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Image of Phunky Fit with Key Stage 1
12 November 2018

Phunky Fit with Key Stage 1

In the first Phunky Fit club the Year 1 and 2 children made fruit and yogurt granola pots. Everyone tried some fruit they were unfamiliar with and decided which fruit they would add to make their pot. The children cut the fruit then topped it with some yogurt and granola. The fruit and yogurt…

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Image of Remembrance Week
9 November 2018

Remembrance Week

On the 100th anniversary of the Great War ending, Reception have been learning about what the war was like and why we wear poppies to remember all those who fought in the past and those who are in the forces today.



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Image of Halloween fun
31 October 2018

Halloween fun

Reception looked fantastic in their Halloween costumes today. They had great fun taking part in many Halloween activities indoors and outside: painting Day of the Dead skulls, creating Halloween pictures, collecting spiders in the Finger Gym area, fishing for phonemes in slime and making gruesome…

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Image of Library visit
19 October 2018

Library visit

Reception went on their first visit to Egremont Library today. The librarian, Anne, showed us all the different types of books we could borrow from the library then she told a very exciting story. All the children had a good browse through the books and chose one to take home and share with their…

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Image of Autumn walk
15 October 2018

Autumn walk

Reception have been learning all about the season of Autumn. They have been on an Autumn hunt in the school grounds to find some evidence of things that are changing. They found many leaves of different colours, shapes and sizes along with some seeds that have fallen to the ground. They have been…

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Image of Multiskills
10 October 2018


Reception made the most of the sunshine on Wednesday  and went outside for P.E. They showed good teamsmanship while playing multiskills games.


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Image of Phonics fun
5 October 2018

Phonics fun

Reception have been practising their letters and sounds in the phonics area. They have also been working on writing their names using correct letter formation.


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Image of First visit from the library bus
5 October 2018

First visit from the library bus

Reception enjoyed their first visit on the library bus this morning. They thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the books there were to choose from. They can’t wait to visit Egremont library later this term.


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Image of Biscuit Maths
27 September 2018

Biscuit Maths

Reception have been working on counting objects with accuracy today. They iced biscuits then decorate them using a given number of sweets. They really enjoyed eating them afterwards.



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Image of Mud, mud, glorious mud
19 September 2018

Mud, mud, glorious mud

We introduced mud to our new mud kitchen today. The children had great fun mixing water and mud to make mud pies.


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