World Book Day in Year 2 2023
What a wonderful day we had in Year 2 for World Book Day! We used our class text ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ to inspire us to create our own rhythm of the rain using body percussion. Then we read some more of the text pausing at the point where the main character, Issac, followed his jar to the…
Celebrating St David's Day 2023
Year 2 have spent today learning about their class saint, St David . The children found out who St David was, what he did in his life and how his saint day is celebrated in Wales. The children watched a video of a St David's Day parade and tasted Welsh cakes. The children used their…
Children’s Mental Health Week 2023
This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week theme is ‘Let’s Connect’. The children have been thinking about the connections they make. The children worked together in small groups to connect and make models by connecting pieces together. We reflected on what it feels like to connect together and…
Exploring Non Fiction
This week Year 2 have started to read ‘The Street Beneath My Feet’ by Charlotte Guillain in their reading lessons. They were amazed to find out about what is going on deep in the ground under their feet and we’re even more surprised at how the pages unfolded in front of them. What a fascinating…
Year 2 Library Visit
This afternoon Year 2 visited Egremont Library to return their books and choose new ones to borrow. They had lots of fun sharing books with each other whilst choosing the books they would take home. The visit ended with a whole class story about a wolf who liked to bake. What an interesting take…
Ball Skills
In Multiskills, the Year 2 children have been learning how to move and pass a ball using their feet. This week they have been learning how to dribble the ball using their hands as well as passing it to a partner using a chest pass. The children are beginning to control the ball well when dribbling…
Tortilla quiche
The children have been learning about the benefits of eggs in their design technology lesson. They also found out about what it means to be a free range hen. The children prepared the ingredients using the bridge and claw techniques. The quiches were enjoyed by most of the children. What a treat…
Making jam jar salad
In design technology the Year 2 children have been thinking about what being healthy means. They learned about the difference between processed and unprocessed foods and which is healthier for us. They also found out that fruit and vegetables provide us with nutrients to help us stay healthy. The…
Shape Work in Maths
The Year 2 children have been exploring how to draw and make 2D shapes in their maths lesson. They really enjoyed using the geoboards on the iPads to create their own 2D shapes before attempting to draw them.
Reaching Out in Anti Bullying Week 2022
This week the Year 2 children have been learning about what bullying is and the feelings associated with bullying for all those involved. The children have been finding out that it can also happen online as well as offline. The children took photos of each other then edited the photos to add a…
Creating Invitations
In English the Year 2 children have been looking at the features of a formal invitation. Today they used their computing skills to create a template for a formal invitation that they will use in future lessons to write their own formal invitation.
Infants’ Friendship Disco
All of the Infant children had the opportunity to stay after school for a Friendship Disco as part of our Anti Bullying Week celebrations. It was so lovely to see the children enjoying being in the company of their peers and friends. What fun they had as they danced, sang and shared a snack…