Safer Internet Day -Y6
For Safer Internet Day, Year 6 discussed Artificial Intelligence technologies. After naming the wide range of AI they already use, they explored the positive and negative impact of evolving technologies on our everyday lives, including safeguarding concerns, and how it might impact on human…
NSPCC Number Day in Year 6
Year 6 had lots of fun taking part in different activities related to numbers. They took part in a Number Trail in which they had to utilise as many number skills as they could to create a calculation that equalled the target number. They then played number games with Year 1, supporting the…
Rugby Coaching
Year 6 enjoyed a taster rugby coaching session this morning with local rugby coach, Mr Telford, from Egremont Rangers. They learnt some essential ball skills and attacking and defending techniques.
Year 6 are learning how to programme in Computing. Our first lesson was all about variables and how to change them.
Wheelchair Basketball Coaching
What a great experience! Year 6 had the opportunity to play Wheelchair Basketball today. The coach gave teaching points about how to move with the ball, how to score and some basic rules, including crashing into one another and grabbing the ball. Everyone enjoyed their game.
Whitehaven Harbour Trail
Year 6 are now a fountain of information about the history of Whitehaven Harbour, from sea traders, pirates and smugglers to invaders and a very old pub that could well have saved Whitehaven from extinction.
The Rum Story
As part of their history topic, Year 6 have been learning about Britain's connections to the slave trade and the Caribbean and its impact on trade and commerce. The Rum Story tells the story of how Whitehaven was once a bustling seaport connected to the Jefferson-owned estate in Antigua and…
Sturdy Structures
As part of their Design and Technology topic about structures, Year 6 experimented with spaghetti to test the strength of structures. By trial and error they found ways to make a sturdy structure that could withstand the weight of objects.
Snow Day!
Year 6 enjoyed making footprints in the snow this morning ❄️ ⛄️
Books! Glorious Books!
During R.E., Year 6 discussed the significance of books in our lives now and in the past, how this has evolved and what it might look like in the future. They identified the wide range of types of books available and the different reasons some books are precious. They enjoyed reminiscing about…
Y6 Hockey
Year 6 enjoyed practising ball control with hockey sticks during P.E.
Catholic Schools Advent Service
On Tuesday, our Y5 and Y6 children travelled to St Begh’s in Whitehaven to join other local Catholic schools for a celebration of the holy season of Advent. Our children sang Maranatha absolutely beautifully. It was a lovely service and served to prepare us for the coming of our Lord at…