KS2 Friendship Disco
KS2 had an amazing time at the Friendship Disco tonight! They loved dancing with their friends and enjoyed having a snack, drink and chat together.
Year 4 Virtues Hunt
In RE, we have been learning about the theological virtues of faith, love and hope. To help us in learning about how these virtues are lived out in our every day lives, we went on a hunt around school to witness faith, love and hope. Of course the hunt had to be carried out in secret! We saw…
Garden Design and Name Competition
Congratulations to Layla and Bobbie for winning the design for our new garden which will also house a grotto for Mary. The children were asked to create a garden with a holy theme where we can all go to relax and reflect. We were impressed with all of the entries and all the children received a…
Year 4 Whinlatter Trip October 2024
This week, we had our first Year 4 trip of the school year. We went to Whinlatter Forest to investigate different animal habitats to support our Science curriculum. We took a woodland walk of discovery, listened to stories of different animals, took a blindfolded walk and even had time for a play…
Year 4 World Mental Health Day
In Year 4 this week, we have been learning about the importance of having a healthy mind and we have been putting into practice some activities to help us. We have been learning about guided breathing, different emotions and the importance of having little brain breaks. On Thursday afternoon our…
Year 4 St Francis of Assisi Feast Day
In Year 4 to celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, we spent time to learn about his life. We then created stained class windows and wrote our own prayers linked to celebrating the universe. Finally, the children planned and delivered their own liturgy with the theme of ‘Looking after…
Year 4 Still Life Artwork
In art this week, Year 4 have been creating their own Still Life artwork. We have selected our own objects and created our own arrangements. We have started with sketching and next, we will add colour using pastels before adding a colour wash.
Year 4 Haiku Performances
Year 4 have been writing their own haikus this week. We have edited and then performed them to the class, using intonation, emphasis and expression.
Year 4 Maths Flexible Partitioning 2024
In Year 4 this week the children have been master mathematicians, flexibly partitioning different numbers. We have been using base ten and place value counters to create different ways of partitioning numbers up to 10,000…and challenging each other to create as many combinations as…
PE Fun with the Parachute
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their PE session today with the parachute and lots of sunshine.
Lowther Castle - End of Year Trip
What a fabulous time we’ve all had at Lowther. The sunshine even made an appearance. Lots of fun, running around and giggles were had by all. A really lovely end to the term.
Year 3 Trip to Lowther 2024
Year 3 enjoyed their day at Lowther Castle. Great fun at the fort.