Year 3 learn about their class Saint, Mary
We have been learning about our class Saint, St.Mary. We learnt about her Feast days too. It is her special Feast, Our Lady of Lourdes on 11th February. We learnt how to say her very special prayer, the Hail Mary.
Year 3 Stone Age to Iron Age Day
We had a great end to our History topic, impressing Ro with our knowledge about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. We enjoyed being a human timeline, making axes, engraving copper, hunter-gathering and fire starting like a nomad with flint knapping.
Y3 Compete with their ball control skills
Fantastic footballers, Year 3! They all enjoyed keeping their footballs under control to score points in fun footy games.
Friction investigation fun.
We were investigating which surface allows our car to move furthest. The surface that caused greatest friction on the wheels was the grass. The shiny classroom floor allowed our car to move further. We were very keen to make sure that we did a fair test investigation.
Year 3 Forest School Part 2
Year 3 had a wonderful time making and eating s'more's and bird feeders at Forest School. Despite the weather not being great, our happy children used the wet mud as face paint.
Year 3 and 4 Theatre Visit
Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic time at Keswick’s Theatre by the Lake. They watched their Christmas production of The Borrowers. What a marvellous show! They were amazed by how they made the actors seem like miniature people hiding under the floorboards. They enjoyed, singing, clapping, dancing along…
Friendship disco dancing.
We all had a wonderful Friendship disco last Wednesday. It was great fun. Thanks for fabulous friends, snacks and great music.
Y3 enjoyed multi skills.
Year 3 have been practicing their ball skills, throwing, passing and catching in teams.
Year 3 wear odd socks
Year 3 have the most colourful and unusual socks ever. They looked absolutely brilliant!
Year 3 enjoyed their first Forest School
Year 3 had a great time doing outdoor adventure activities at Longlands Lake. The weather was kind in the morning but made us some lovely mud in the afternoon.
Year 3 Spooky Dress up Day 2022
Year 3 children looked amazing in their wonderful costumes on our Spooky Dress up day. A huge effort from parents and children. Well done all. You look spooky and ready to scare!
Writing a spooky descriptive setting
Year 3 children looked at powerful, descriptive settings and then created a very spooky one of their own. They used their 5 senses and a descriptosaurus to find exciting vocabulary. We even drafted a final version for display in class.