Year3 Kidzfit
Year 3 had a great time at the Kidzfit workshop. They learnt about how to keep healthy by staying fit and eating a good balanced diet. They did some fun exercises and games.
Year 3 Dance Routine
Year 3 have shown great skill in creating their own dance routine using harvest as a theme. Wonderful passion, teamwork and determination. Some children received special sticker awards for showing these values of school games. Well done!
Year 3 trip to The Roman Senhouse Museum
Year 3 had a great day studying 2,000 year old plus artefacts, carrying out a quiz, looking at replicas of Roman weapons, learning about the army, seeing the remains of a real Roman Fort from the top of a watch tower and making our own Roman sculpture from clay.
What are the functions of a tulip?
Year 3 have been exploring transpiration, how water travels in a flower and the functions of vital flower parts. They matched names and functions then labelled a real tulip after taking a very close look to identify the different parts.
Year3 Coronation Celebration!!
We looked so patriotic on Friday, wearing red, white and blue. We had a day of fun and celebrations in honour of our new king. Celebrating the Coronation in style, having ice cream with King Charles III. This was followed with bouncy castle time, a picnic lunch, live music, cricket, making crowns…
KS2 X- Country
Our KS2 x- country competitors braved the wet and muddy conditions to complete a x- country course on Tuesday at St. Bees School. They all showed remarkable resilience and determination on a lengthy, tough course. Two of our athletes gained 3rd girl and 2nd boy. We are incredibly proud of them…
Olympic Athlete Visits School
Chris Bennet, Olympic hammer thrower, visited school today to tell us all about his experiences and carry out a fitness circuit with each class. We were all inspired by his determination and dedication to his sport. We had lots of fun taking part in the fitness activities and enjoyed learning…
Active Travel Week Spring Term 2023
We have all been trying to walk, cycle or scoot to school this week as part of Active Travel Week. As well as helping us get fitter, this cuts down on pollution and car congestion outside our school. Year 5 also had a turn at wearing the step trackers this week. The children tried to improve on…
Year 3 visit the library
Year 3 had a lovely sunny walk to the library to get a book to read over the Easter holiday. We listened to our class story: Operation Gadgetman by Malorie Blackman. We each chose our own book to take home over the Easter holidays.
Year 3 Sports awards during netball with Dan.
Year 3 have been practicing their marking, throwing and shooting skills, whilst playing in 4 teams, with Dan. They are becoming great netballers!
Year 3 Scientists shine a light!
Year 3 Scientists had a great time investigating “How do shadows Shante as the light source gets closer and further away? “
Using a torch and an apple they discovered that the closer the light source, the bigger the shadow. They then changed their independent variables to learn what happened…
Perfect Periscopes in Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed creating their own Periscopes, thanks to Mrs Williams for our super templates. We have been learning about light, how it travels, reflects and bends. We discovered why and how periscopes work then we used them to spy on each other.