Year 3 Pet Encounters
We really enjoyed our encounter with birds, snakes, tarantulas, cockroaches, mice and a chameleon.
The children were very brave and had a go at holding the animals. It was great fun.
Year 3 gymnasts
Year 3 enjoyed creating their own sequences in gymnastics. They worked in pairs and performed it.
Year 3 vote for their school councillors
Year 3 voted for their class councillors after hearing individual manifestos. They made their votes in a ballot organised by Year 6.
Year 3 end of year trip to Walby
Year 3 had a great day at Walby Farm Park. They enjoyed playing in the wooden fort, petting the animals, exploring the huge indoor soft play, outdoor park and a tour around the farm in a tractor and trailer. We finished a fun day with ice cream
Year3 had a great day at School Sports
Year 3 had a wonderful day at the Sheepmount Sports Centre at Carlisle. We fired cross bows, did archery, cross country, floor tennis, ultimate warrior and golf. We had a great time, lots of exercise and all the children were excellent role models for St. Bridget’s School. Mrs Summerson and Mrs…
Year 3 Paralympic Athlete visit
Year 3 enjoyed doing exercises with our 2 Paralympian athletes today. They did really well and had great fun.
Year 3 Sports Day
Y3 had a fantastic Sports Day this year. Great day for everyone (especially green team who were crowned champions!)
Year 3 Library visit
Year 3 enjoyed choosing a book at the library yesterday and listened to their class text, the Magician’s Nephew by C.S Lewis.
Year 3 Ordnance Survey map studies
Year 3 have been busy looking at Ordnance Survey Maps this week. They have matched symbols and understood the purpose of maps, grid references and when they might be needed.
Year 3 celebrate May with their Class Saint - St. Mary
Year 3 have been praying the Rosary during the month of May and wore blue to celebrate their class Saint, St. Mary.
They wrote prayers, prayed the rosary, made miraculous medals to take home and coloured their own St.Mary stained glass window. They learnt about St. Mary and why she was a Saint,…
Year 3/4 Bowlers
Year 3 and 4 walked down to our local bowling green to take part in a bowling competition against other local schools. They had a great time and some became very serious about wanting to win. They were determined! Some of the children were very good at it and wanted to go again, in their own…
Year 3 enjoy their attendance prize for Spring Term.
Year 3 have enjoyed ice cream and a play at the castle today. The sun shone and the ice cream was delicious.
Well done for coming into school even when you are not feeling 100%. Best attendance for Spring Term 1. Let’s try to get it again!!! Summer 2 perhaps?