Year 3 Internet Safety Day
Year 3 learnt all about AI, artificial intelligence. Where we use it in our everyday life, without even realising it!! When we use our phone, in our car, using Alexa, taking photos, using an internet search and so on. We created a poster to illustrate the opportunities and risks of using AI in our…
Mental Health Week 2024 Year 5
The theme this year for mental Health Week was ‘Your Voice Matters’. In Year 5 we learnt about the importance of speaking out if anything is troubling us. We made a class guide on ‘Top Tips for Speaking Out’. Our suggestions included being brave, being confident, tell someone you trust or write it…
Year 3 Mental Health Awareness Week
Year 3 have been busy thinking about who makes them happy and why. They have written letters to thank people who make them feel good. They watched a video about pupil voice, everyone matters and understood what makes them happy and why.
Year 4 PSHE
Year 4 have taken part in some mindful activities and circle time as part of their PSHE lessons focused on their hopes and dreams for the future. This led onto discussions about being resilient, staying positive and having determination to succeed.
Friendship Disco 2023
Year 2 children came to school in non-uniform today ready for the Friendship Disco after school. They had a thoroughly enjoyable time dancing, playing musical statues and sharing a snack and a drink. Everyone went home happy and smiling.
Anti Bullying Week 2023
In P.S.H.E. this week the Year 2 children have been exploring what bullying is and the feelings relating to it. Later in the week during their computing lesson they explored what online bullying is and what they could do if they are bullied. They created supportive sunflowers showing the people…
Year 3 Anti-bullying week
We all looked great in our odd socks, discussed and learnt about different forms of bullying, including online bullying.
Kindness in Reception
In Reception we have been learning about kindness after reading the story of, ‘I’m almost always kind’. We talked about what kind things we could do for each other, such as sharing, being a good friend, saying something nice to another person and being helpful. During a whole class session the…
Youth Mental Health Day 2023
As part of Youth Mental Health Day, Year 4 have been exploring what it means to be brave. They then shared examples of times when they have had to be brave.
Youth Mental Health Day 2023 Y5
Today was Youth Mental Health Day and the theme for this year was #BeBrave. We talked about how focusing on what it takes to be brave can give you courage and confidence to achieve your goals and ambitions and be the best version of yourself. We were all able to give examples of when we were brave…
Our pebble families in Reception
We have been learning about our families in Reception and we created our own picture using different pebbles. The children decided what pebbles would be each family member due to size and shape. They even included their pets too.
School Council Elections in Year 2
After much discussion in class the Year 2 children took their chance to vote for who they would like to represent them in the school council. It was a very hard decision as all the candidates brought different qualities to the role. Well done to all those who put themselves forward for this…