Y5 Adoration of the Holy Eucharist
We all took part in a moment of silent prayer to reflect on the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. With reverence and respect we thanked God for giving up his son so that we could receive forgiveness for our wrong doings. We prayed for our friends, family and loved ones. We prayed for the…
Year 5 Child led Prayer and Liturgy - St. Francis
Riley, Oliver, Matty and Keelan planned their own prayer and liturgy for the rest of the class to enjoy. They based it on St. Francis as it was his feast day on the 4th of October. The word of God was from Genesis 1: 22-26 and a reflection was shared to make the children contemplate how they…
Y4 Prayer and Liturgy
Our theme in Prayer and Liturgy was love your neighbour. Our leaders asked the class to sit in a heart shape and reflect on how God would want us to treat each other.
Year 1 Prayer and Liturgy
Year 1 children have enjoyed leading our class Prayer and Liturgy today.We focused on being part of God’s family and reflecting on what we like to do with our family.
Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy
Year 6 enjoyed taking part in a lovely prayer and liturgy session this morning, planned and led by Ellie and Lexi. Their theme was “Following in God’s Footsteps”. The whole class experienced quiet reflection time in a circle and all the children responded and joined in by lighting a candle and…
Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
Year 2 listened to the word of God and, after reflection, to one another’s thoughts about giving praise to God.
Year 3 Prayer and Liturgy
Today we enjoyed a Prayer and Liturgy that was planned and led by Mia. She chose the theme, Word of God, seating arrangements and hymns. We look forward to celebrating more Prayer and Liturgy sessions together.
Reception R.E.
Reception are learning about themselves in R.E. In their first lesson they have been thinking about their first and family names. They made paper bag puppets of themselves as well as making their name using playdough, paint, construction, magnetic letters and pencils. Some children chose to…
Y4 prayer and Liturgy
We have been listening to the Word of God in Prayer and Liturgy and reflecting on how this can help us lead our lives.
Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
During Prayer & Liturgy today, Year 2 listened to the story of creation from the Bible and reflected on the wonder of creation then thought about new beginnings in their own lives. They then said a prayer to give thanks for the amazing and precious world we live in.
Prayer and Liturgy
This week Reception are beginning to learn about Jesus during their daily prayer and liturgy time. They have been thinking about who Jesus is and how he is always with us. We thanked Jesus in prayer for this and asked Him to help us learn more about Him. They can’t wait to find out more about…
Year 3 Prayers
Year 3 enjoyed a lovely return to school yesterday. We had a peaceful afternoon composing and sharing prayers for our new school year and enjoying some quiet moments of contemplation.