Year 3 Celebrate St. Bridget
Year 3 have been learning all about their Patron Saint Bridget. They attended church, learnt the St. Bridget hymn, listened to the story of St. Bridget’s cloak, did some fact finding and created their own storyboards, bookmarks and cloak pieces. A busy Bridget’s day.
Catholic Schools Advent Service
On Tuesday, our Y5 and Y6 children travelled to St Begh’s in Whitehaven to join other local Catholic schools for a celebration of the holy season of Advent. Our children sang Maranatha absolutely beautifully. It was a lovely service and served to prepare us for the coming of our Lord at…
The Year of St. Joseph Year 5
Year 5 have written prayers to St. Joseph to help us appreciate all our key workers. We will say each prayer daily during the Year of St. Joseph.
Pray, Stop, Go Jars Year 5
During Lent every time year 5 pray, stop themselves doing something they know they shouldn’t or go out of their way to do something for others they are going to write it down and put it in their Lenten jars. At the end of Lent hopefully they will have a jar of messages to remind them of all the…
Y1 Captain Sir Tom Moore Tributes and Prayers
Year 1 talked about the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore in their daily Zoom lesson. We wanted to pay tribute to this wonderful man. The children created pictures, prayers and words of thanks to celebrate his life and contribution to our country.
Y5 Collective Worship
Collective Worship in year 5 on the Ten Commandments and Noah’s Ark. This was organised in the children’s own time and resources made at home to enhance it. Well done.
Year 4 Prayer & Liturgy
Children planned and delivered our Prayer and Liturgy this morning.
Y5 Prayer &Liturgy
Our theme for Prayer and Liturgy this week was ‘Friendship’. Our leaders chose a reading from John 15: 15 and made paper hearts to remind us to show love to one
Year 1 Year of the Eucharist
Year One enjoyed visiting Church this morning to celebrate the end of ‘The Year of the Eucharist’. We said a prayer and quietly reflected. Well done Year One for being so respectful.
Year4 Prayer and Liturgy
Today’s Prayer and Liturgy was about how we can follow in Jesus’ footsteps by helping others.
Year 1 The Last Supper
We have been looking at the story of the Last Supper this week. We heard the story from the Bible and then acted out the scene.
Our visit to St Mary’s
Year 6 had a lovely visit to St Mary’s School where we joined in a mass celebrating the Year of the Eucharist.
We then joined their year 6 class for the day and participated in painting a monstrance, making an advent bauble and planning a prayer and liturgy. We are looking forward to them…