Image of Y4 maths games
8 February 2019

Y4 maths games

As part of our maths day year 4 played some maths games. When they landed on a square they had to work out the calculation. The winner was the first to finish and answer all the questions correctly. They then went on to design and play their own maths games! 


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Image of Year 5 Maths Day - Money and Measuring
8 February 2019

Year 5 Maths Day - Money and Measuring

As part of our Maths reasoning, we used a £20 budget to make mars bar cake for our class. We went shopping for the ingredients and worked out which shop was providing us with best value for money. We saved £6:80 by shopping at Herons! We then used weighing scales to make and follow a delicious…

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Image of Nursery’s shape pictures
25 January 2019

Nursery’s shape pictures

Nursery have been having fun this week with shapes. They made some super shape pictures to go into their Learning Journeys. 


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Image of Messy Maths
23 January 2019

Messy Maths

Some of the Reception children went outdoors for their Maths lesson. They practised their number recognition and counting skills by collecting a number of objects in a numbered plant pot. Great fun was had by everyone!


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Image of Year 5 learn how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000
17 January 2019

Year 5 learn how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000

Year 5 enjoyed learning how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000. 

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Image of Y4 fractions
9 January 2019

Y4 fractions

Year 4 have been learning about equivalent fractions. They cut the cakes into halves, quarters and eighths and discovered how many quarters and eighths were equal to a half. After a while they worked out that if the numerator is half of the denominator then it will be equivalent to a half. They…

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Image of Y5 become Times Tables Rock Stars
28 November 2018

Y5 become Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 5 enjoyed creating their avatars for times tables rockstars. The new package was an excellent way of learning our times tables and competing with others online.


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Image of 3D shape in year 1
16 November 2018

3D shape in year 1

Year 1 have been learning about 3D shape this week.  We have identified the names and properties. Then we became shape detectives and hunted down hidden 3D shapes in class. To finish our week we made shapes from spaghetti and marshmallows. 


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Image of Year 2 Maths
15 October 2018

Year 2 Maths

Year 2 have been learning how to partition two digit numbers in different ways using the part whole model and base 10. 

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Image of Y4 problem solving
12 October 2018

Y4 problem solving

Y4 had fun problem solving in maths today! 


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Image of Y4 maths
27 September 2018

Y4 maths

Y4 have been rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. They enjoyed playing a game in order to practise doing this. 


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Image of Biscuit Maths
27 September 2018

Biscuit Maths

Reception have been working on counting objects with accuracy today. They iced biscuits then decorate them using a given number of sweets. They really enjoyed eating them afterwards.



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