3D shape in year 1
Year 1 have been learning about 3D shape this week. We have identified the names and properties. Then we became shape detectives and hunted down hidden 3D shapes in class. To finish our week we made shapes from spaghetti and marshmallows.
Year 2 Maths
Year 2 have been learning how to partition two digit numbers in different ways using the part whole model and base 10.
Y4 maths
Y4 have been rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. They enjoyed playing a game in order to practise doing this.
Biscuit Maths
Reception have been working on counting objects with accuracy today. They iced biscuits then decorate them using a given number of sweets. They really enjoyed eating them afterwards.
Ordering objects in Year1
Year 1 have been ordering objects today we made three towers and then our partner had to order them from biggest number to smallest number.
Year 3 Maths
Year 3 children showed off their amazing understanding of place value and numbers to 1000 today. They worked brilliantly, in groups, to create a poster showing all the different ways to represent a number and enjoying lots of maths discussion.