8 February 2019

Y4 Firework Maker’s Daughter


Year 4 are reading the Firework marker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman. In English they read a description of the Water Goddess then drafted their own descriptions. These were edited and upgraded adding similes to enhance the description then copied into their English books in their best…

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Image of Nursery’s Bear masks
1 February 2019

Nursery’s Bear masks

After reading the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ this week, the children made some bear masks in the provision. Some were very friendly bears, but some were scary!!


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Image of Year 2 Reporters
1 February 2019

Year 2 Reporters

Year 2 have spent the week doing lots of activities around the Traditional Tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ . Today they wrote their own newspaper report about what really happened. 


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Image of Egremont library visit
1 February 2019

Egremont library visit

We enjoyed choosing new books at Egremont library.


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Image of Library bus
30 January 2019

Library bus

We enjoyed choosing our new reading books on the library bus.

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Image of Year 3 Library Visit
29 January 2019

Year 3 Library Visit

Year 3 had a lovely trip to Egremont Library today, despite a rainy walk there. We enjoyed browsing, discussing together and choosing books to borrow. Then we had a great time reading our new books and showing our friends. Please remember to return these books to the library, along with any that…

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Image of Year 2 Book Bus
28 January 2019

Year 2 Book Bus

Some representatives from Year 2 enjoyed choosing which books to take back to class for everyone to enjoy reading this term.

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Image of Phonics Investigation
18 January 2019

Phonics Investigation

In our phonics this week we have been using our detective skills to spot the sounds that go together. We have been sounding them out and seeing how many sounds we could spot hiding in our story.


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Image of Y4 Mr Tumnus
13 December 2018

Y4 Mr Tumnus

To practise their listening skills, Y4 listened to a description of Mr Tumnus from ‘The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’. They had to listen carefully to all the details and include them in a drawing of him. After this, in pairs, they worked on writing their own description of him editing and…

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Image of Year 2 Writers
30 November 2018

Year 2 Writers

Year 2 have been reading books written by Anthony  Browne. After some role play activities, they predicted what they thought the children might find at the end of the tunnel. This morning they used their plans to write their own ending to the story. 

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Image of Year 2 Library Visit
16 November 2018

Year 2 Library Visit

Year 2 visited Egremont Library today. They enjoyed looking at all the different types of books there are. They all chose a book to withdraw using thier library card.Happy reading! 


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Image of Y6 War Poetry
9 November 2018

Y6 War Poetry

As part of our week of remembrance, Y6 have studied the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by the famous war poet Wilfred Owen. They used his thought provoking poem to create their own poetry which is both beautifully written and moving.  

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