Image of Coronation Celebrations in Year 2
5 May 2023

Coronation Celebrations in Year 2

Year 2 have spent the day, before King Charles III’s coronation, finding out about his life and the crown he will be crowned in. The day began with a reading lesson about his life and was followed by an art lesson with the famous illustrator Rob Biddulph. The children learned all about the St…

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Image of Coronation celebrations in Nursery
5 May 2023

Coronation celebrations in Nursery

What a fantastic day we have had celebrating the King’s Coronation! We have jumped on the bouncy castle, eaten ice cream and enjoyed a picnic lunch with some of our teddy bears! We have also enjoyed face painting Union Jack flags and decorating biscuits too! 

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Image of Year3 Coronation Celebration!!
5 May 2023

Year3 Coronation Celebration!!

We looked so patriotic on Friday, wearing red, white and blue. We had a day of fun and celebrations in honour of our new king. Celebrating the Coronation in style, having ice cream with King Charles III. This was followed with bouncy castle time, a picnic lunch, live music, cricket, making crowns…

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Image of Swimming Gala
4 May 2023

Swimming Gala

Yesterday Y5/6 representatives took part in the Copeland Schools Swimming Gala. They all had a great time completing races in the four main strokes as well as relay events, underwater swimming, diving, jumping, sculling, collecting sinkers and even a running race. They all showed fantastic…

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Image of Reception visit from the police
28 April 2023

Reception visit from the police

Reception joined Nursery to go and meet some police officers. They came to talk to us about what it is like to work for the police. They also brought lots of police hats and uniforms and talked about what role each of the uniforms were for. The children had a chance to dress up. They even brought…

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Image of Police visit to Nursery
26 April 2023

Police visit to Nursery

In Nursery we have been learning about people who help us. We have talked a lot about police, fire fighters, doctors, and teachers being people who can help us in different ways. Teachers can help us learn and doctors can help us when we feel poorly. 

This morning we were very lucky to have a…

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Image of Local Poet Visit
21 April 2023

Local Poet Visit

Year 4 had a fabulous morning working with Lucy Burnett, a local poet. They read a range of poems written by different poets aloud and were able to respond about how each one made them feel. Lucy then shared lots of different ways to write poetry and showed us how much fun it is to be creative…

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Image of Easter Bonnet parade in Reception
31 March 2023

Easter Bonnet parade in Reception

We had our EYFS Easter Bonnet parade with Reception and Nursery 1. The children had all made an Easter hat at home to wear. Parents were invited to come and hear the children sing a few Easter songs and join in the parade around school. We had coffee, cake and biscuits after too. 

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Image of Muncaster Castle fun in Reception
24 March 2023

Muncaster Castle fun in Reception

Reception went on a trip to Muncaster Castle while learning about our topic of animals. The children had an owl experience where we learned all about owls and they even flew over our heads. We also had lots of fun on the adventure park, the giant swing, yeti quarry and in the maze. A fun day was…

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Image of Year 3 visit the library
23 March 2023

Year 3 visit the library

Year 3 had a lovely sunny walk to the library to get a book to read over the Easter holiday. We listened to our class story: Operation Gadgetman by Malorie Blackman. We each chose our own book to take home over the Easter holidays. 

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Image of Year 3 Scientists shine a light!
17 March 2023

Year 3 Scientists shine a light!

Year 3 Scientists had a great time investigating “How do shadows Shante as the light source gets closer and further away? “ 

Using a torch and an apple they discovered that the closer the light source, the bigger the shadow. They then changed their independent variables to learn what happened…

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Image of Woodmatters 2023 pt2
12 March 2023

Woodmatters 2023 pt2

Year 4 learned about the runic alphabet and had to decipher the instructions written in runes to find out how to make ink in the same way as the Anglo-Saxons. They also learned how parchment was made then made their own quill which they used to write their own message using the runic alphabet. 

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