Year 2 Spread Kindness with the Kindness Elves
This Advent Year 2 are being visited by the Kindness Elves who are always on the look out for kindness and helpfulness! They heard how kind and loving Year 2 are and have came to see this for themselves by encouraging them to do small acts of kindness in their daily lives. Today the children were…
Making Miraculous Medals
In R.E. Year. 2 have been learning about the visitation, when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth after learning they were both to give birth. The children listened to the Magnificat, in Luke’s gospel, Mary’s song of joy at being chose by God to be Jesus’s mother. The children learned about…
Year 1 and Year 2 Attend Mass November 2024
Year 1 and Year 2 attended Mass today. They learned all about how they need to live a life of love because God is love and he wants us to live this out this in our lives. The children led the parish family in the singing of two hymns: ‘My God is so Big’ and ‘Thank you Lord for this New Day.’ The…
Year 1 and Year 2 Attend Mass November 2024
Year 1 and Year 2 attended Mass today. They learned all about how they need to live a life of love because God is love and he wants us to live this out this in our lives. The children led the parish family in the singing of two hymns: ‘My God is so Big’ and ‘Thank you Lord for this New Day.’ The…
World Diabetes Day 2024
This academic year Year 2 will be fundraising for the charity Diabetes UK. As 14th November is World Diabetes Day the children have been finding out about what diabetes is and how those with it control it using insulin. They listened to a short story about some children who have diabetes then were…
Advent Wreaths in Reception
Reception have been learning about the Advent Wreath. They found out that ‘Advent’ means getting ready for Christmas and that the Advent Wreath is used in church to to count down to Christmas by lighting the candles. They found out about the different coloured candles used and their meaning.…
Year 3 Anti-bullying week 2024
Year 3 marked Anti-bullying week this week by wearing odd socks to show that we are all different and unique…. and that is ok.
This year’s theme was respect, we talked about respect and what bullying is. We talked about the many different types of bullying; cyber, verbal and physical.
Year 2 Attend Remembrance Day 2024 at Egremont War Memorial
Year 2 attended a short service at the War Memorial to commemorate Remembrance Day. The children respectfully observed a minutes silence before listening to a reading of a poem and being led in prayer by Reverend Becky. The class representatives for the Ethos Group laid a wreath before returning…
Year 4 Virtues Hunt
In RE, we have been learning about the theological virtues of faith, love and hope. To help us in learning about how these virtues are lived out in our every day lives, we went on a hunt around school to witness faith, love and hope. Of course the hunt had to be carried out in secret! We saw…
October the month of our Lady of the Rosary 2024
Year 3’s class Saint is St Mary. We started with a celebration for our Lady of the Rosary on the 7th of October by wearing blue and having an afternoon of devotion to St Mary.
We continued to pray the Rosary through October and end the month with a better knowledge of the mysteries of the Holy…
Making Rosaries
Year 1 have been learning that October is the month of The Holy Rosary. They learned how to use the Rosary to say prayers by holding a bead at a time. Year 1 found out that a decade means a group of 10 and that this is how The Rosary is organised. They created their own Rosary bracelets to offer…
Year 2 and the Month of the Rosary 2024
As it is the Month of the Rosary, Year 2 have been praying the rosary. They have shown respect and reverence throughout. They have spent some time learning about and meditating on the mysteries of Jesus’ life so that they may draw closer to him through the intercession of Mary. They know that with…