Fabulous Fundraiser
Ella is cutting her hair to donate to the Little Princess Trust Charity. She is looking for as many sponsors as possible to help her to raise money for this Charity. It helps to support children suffering with cancer.
Well done Ella, a very kind thing to do. She has been growing her hair…
Year of Jubilee
Year 5 have been learning about the Jubilee Year, which occurs every 25 years in the Catholic Church. This special holy year is a time for forgiveness and new beginnings, encouraging us to make a concerted effort to grow closer to God. Pope Francis announced that the theme for the 2025 Jubilee…
Year 6 Reindeer Run with Nursery 2024
Year 6 enjoyed their sponsored Reindeer Run with Nursery in aid of Jigsaw - Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice who provide daily care to children living with life limiting illnesses. In spite of the chilly wind, we all managed to run numerous laps and have have lots of fun together raising money for one…
Year 4 Reindeer Run
Year 4 embraced the chilly morning and took part in our sponsored Reindeer Run in aid of Jigsaw - Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice. The children had a brilliant time and clocked up many, many laps. Well Done Year 4!
Year 1 Reindeer Run
Year 1 had a fantastic time on the Reindeer Run. They enjoyed raising money for the Jigsaw hospice to help others. Everyone loved wearing antlers to run round like reindeers. A great time having fun and raising money.
Year 2 Reindeer Run 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed taking part in their first Reindeer Run for the charity Jigsaw Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice. They had lots of fun running and singing with their friends while thinking about the children who are not so fortunate and will benefit from the money raised. A wonderful way to…
Year 1 Nativity 2024
Year 1 Nativity 2024
Year 1 were shining superstars today in their nativity, “The Sleepy Shepherd”. The performance was brimming with fantastic narrators, bossy shepherds, amazing angels, cheeky kings, stunning solos and excellent acting. What a fabulous way to tell the Christmas story! Well…
Year 2 Nativity 2024
Our Year 2 performed ‘Higgledy Piggledy Nativity’ beautifully in both their dress rehearsal and the show for their families. They sang wonderfully and shone like the stars they are. We are immensely proud of them all.
Year 2 Share A Symbol Of Peace 2024
Year 2 have been learning how the dove is a symbol of peace for many people and that, for Christians, it represents God and the Holy Spirit, who gives us the gift of peace. The children worked together to make some origami doves and wrote their hopes for peace for those who are in need across the…
Year 2 Spread Kindness with the Kindness Elves
This Advent Year 2 are being visited by the Kindness Elves who are always on the look out for kindness and helpfulness! They heard how kind and loving Year 2 are and have came to see this for themselves by encouraging them to do small acts of kindness in their daily lives. Today the children were…
Making Miraculous Medals
In R.E. Year. 2 have been learning about the visitation, when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth after learning they were both to give birth. The children listened to the Magnificat, in Luke’s gospel, Mary’s song of joy at being chose by God to be Jesus’s mother. The children learned about…
Year 1 and Year 2 Attend Mass November 2024
Year 1 and Year 2 attended Mass today. They learned all about how they need to live a life of love because God is love and he wants us to live this out this in our lives. The children led the parish family in the singing of two hymns: ‘My God is so Big’ and ‘Thank you Lord for this New Day.’ The…