Year 4 Tinting and Shading
Year 4 have enjoyed experimenting with colour using tinting and shading techniques to create an ombré effect. They have used paints and oil pastels to try out their art skills. They did a wonderful job!
Nursery: Inspired by Piet Mondrian
This week we have been inspired by the artist Piet Mondrian. We had a go at decorating some Easter eggs using the colours and patterns that he used too! We loved using lots of different tools to paint with!
Year 2 Explore Painting with Natural Materials
Our Year 2 children are currently focusing on painting in their Art and Design lessons. They went in the outdoor area of the school to find some natural materials that they could use to paint with. The children found many different items and talked about which parts of the materials they would use…
Stations of the Cross Artwork 06.03.24
Year 6 are using their sketching skills to create posters of the Stations of the Cross in preparation for our Easter
Year 5 Visit Lowry Exhibition At The Beacon
Year 5 were very excited to visit the Beacon this morning to see their work on display. Last term they took part in a workshop in school and created a diorama of Lowry’s painting ‘The Mill Scene’. This is now part of the exhibition which has Lowry paintings on loan from Salford Art Museum. We…
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery
This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year.
We know that this year is the year of the dragon, and to decide this there was ‘The Great Race’ between the animals.
To celebrate we have been creating our very own dragon pictures, uncovering different Chinese symbols and having a go…
Henri Matisse Art in Reception
In Reception we were learning about the life of the famous artist Henri Matisse. The children then created their own art work using their imagination linked to this week’s story of ‘The Wonder’. They created some fabulous art using all their own ideas.
Nursery: ‘Tiddler’
Last week our Nursery children enjoyed reading the story ‘Tiddler’ by Julia Donaldson, as part of our ‘All about Julia’ topic.
They loved exploring the ‘Tiddler’ inspired messy tray, looking for the sea creatures from the story in the jelly.
Other children enjoyed creating some tangram…
Rockets from outer Space
In Reception the children have been making rockets using different 3D shapes and joining them together. We talked about what things we might see in space and how a rocket would get there. We have been reading the story, William Bee’s Wonderful world of things that go! We looked at how a space…
Calendars in the style of Hundertwasser
Year 5 have been studying the artist Hundertwasser and how he created abstract paintings. They learnt that abstract painting is to represent people or things not in a realistic way but to express their ideas about them in their own way. Using this method they created their own Hundertwasser…
Self portraits in Reception
Each term our children draw their own self portraits. We then display them on top of their old one in class to show how much progress they make each term. The children draw their features such as eyes, hair, ears and teeth.
Y6 using proportion to create self-portraits
Year 6 have been learning how to draw self-portraits in their art and design topic of drawing. They learnt how to use their sketching pencils effectively to create cross-hatching to form the illusion of light and shade. They then considered the proportion of their facial features.