Nursery 2025 Mini beasts
This week in Nursery we started our new topic ‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’.
We had a go at painting and creating our very own minibeasts using our hand prints!
Nursery: Christmas Crafts
What a busy few weeks we have had in Nursery getting ready for Christmas! All our children have made a Christmas card decorated to look like a Christmas present, a salt dough decoration, a height snowman of how tall they are and a 2025 calendar.
Giuseppe Art in Reception
In Reception, we have been learning about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and how he created his own arty by painting fruit, vegetables. The children then created their own portraits.
Year 5 Visit Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition
Year 5 visited the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition at the Beacon today. They felt very privileged to view these amazing images of nature captured on camera. The Beacon is the only museum outside of the Natural History museum that is displaying these photos so it was a wonderful…
Reception Rangoli Patterns
After learning about the Hindu festival ‘Diwali’ the children created some Rangoli patterns using watercolours. They learnt that the patterns can be placed outside homes to welcome visitors and to bring good luck.
Y2 Creation Artwork 2024
In R.E. Year 2 have been reflecting on God’s gift of creation and thinking about what they are grateful for. They looked at some artwork by the contemporary artist Andy Goldsworthy in which he uses natural materials to mimic natural land features and animals. The children had lots of fun finding…
Nursery: Colour Mixing ‘The Three Little Pigs’
This week we have been reading the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Inspired by our story we have been exploring colour mixing in the Creative Area and have used the colours red and white to make pink. Then we used our pink hands to make hand prints and turn them into one of the three little…
Year 3 paint impasto like Van Gogh
Year 3 mixed flour, glue and paint to give a thick texture to their paint. Then they studied Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry night” and painted in his style.
Year 4 Still Life Artwork
In art this week, Year 4 have been creating their own Still Life artwork. We have selected our own objects and created our own arrangements. We have started with sketching and next, we will add colour using pastels before adding a colour wash.
Creating Great Waves in Year 2
In Art and Design Year 2 have been looking at the artwork of the artist and illustrator, Beth Krommes. They explored her artwork in the book ‘Swirl by Swirl’ by Joyce Sidman. The children recognised many different types of marks in her artwork. They used a mixture of these marks to create their…
Nursery: Self Portraits
This week some of our children have enjoyed looking in the mirror and then using different loose materials to create their very own self portrait.
Van Gogh Sunflowers In Y5
Year 5 have been studying the artist Van Gogh and drew their own versions of his famous ‘Sunflowers’ painting. They sketched it out 1st then created vibrant colours using oil pastels. The end results were really effective!