Year 1 Chefs make ‘Rainbow Wraps’
Year 1 are learning about food and nutrition in Design and Technology. By making ‘Rainbow Wraps’, they explored the sensory qualities of food. They were given the opportunity to experiment with new flavours and textures. Year 1 were taught the culinary skills of using a grater and ‘ribboning’ by…
Air Resistance Experiment in Y5
Year 5 carried out two investigations to find out about air resistance. First of all, they walked and ran in pairs holding a large piece of paper to see what air resistance felt like. They discovered that when they ran they could feel the force of the air more. Secondly, they dropped a flat piece…
African Drumming with Zozo
Year 1 welcomed back Zozo to learn more about African drumming. Year 1 took part in call and response songs. They learnt to maintain a steady pulse through accompanying songs with clapping. The children enjoyed Zozo’s interactive story telling. Year 1 have developed their skills and confidence in…
Dodgeball Tournament Y5
Year 5 attended a dodgeball tournament today. They have been practicing in after school club and enjoyed using the skills hey have learnt to compete against other schools.
New School Football Kit 2024
We are delighted to show off our new school football kit which will be worn by pupils attending sports tournaments. Earlier this year our School Councillors organised a toy sale in school in order to raise money to buy the kit. We raised a staggering £680 so we were able to go ahead and buy this…
Year 1 Cricket
Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic Cricket session with Matt. The children learnt how to catch the ball effectively with two hands. Then they worked on their batting skills and finished with a fun bowling activity to improve their accuracy. Great work everyone.
Junior Open Squash Tournament
A huge well done to our Year 6 Squash Champion, who took part in the Silver 4A (North) - Newcastle Junior Squash Open at the weekend. He competed as the youngest athlete against 22 other boys in the U13 age category. What an amazing experience! What a huge achievement! We are all very proud of…
Nursery: Letter Formation
Our Nursery 1 children have been practising lots of letter formation this week!
We have practised writing the letter ‘m’ using the phonics phrase ‘maisie mountain mountain’ and we have also practised writing the letter ‘a’, using the phonics phrase ‘around the apple, down the leaf’.
Reception’s class saint, St George
Reception celebrated St George’s Day, who is our class saint by wearing red. We made our own St George’s flags and created a mask from the story of St George, a dragon, a princess or his horse. We learnt about his life and how he was a good man. We also created the cross from the flag with our red…
Summer Term 2024 Beacons
We are delighted to introduce our class Beacons for the Summer Term. Congratulations to all the children who have been chosen as shining examples of our school values.
Year 5 Friction Experiment
Year 5 carried out an experiment to see how oil changed the effect of friction. Using chopsticks, they moved cubes of jelly from one plate to another. This was surprisingly hard as the jelly was very sticky. They then covered the jelly cubes in oil and repeated the test. They found that the cubes…
Technology in Reception
This week we have had the Beebots out in the provision with the children learning how to give the Beebot instructions to move around the map. This included using vocab such as forward, backwards, right and left. We have also been using the 2simple city on Purplemash to create our own gardens and…