Year 6 Library Visit May 2024
Year 6 made their final visit to Egremont Library with their peers from St. Bridget’s today. They demonstrated that they now know how to independently return, renew and borrow new books from their local library; skills that will prove invaluable as they move to their next stage of education.
Year 3 Trip to The Roman Senhouse Museum
Year 3 had a great time at The Roman Senhouse Museum in Maryport today. They thoroughly enjoyed exploring Roman artefacts, altars, original jars, jewellery and coins from 2,000 years ago. They saw the remains of a Roman Fort and role-played market day in the Roman Forum. Some were citizens, some…
Egremont Bowling Club Day 2024
We had a great morning at Egremont Bowling Club learning how to bowl and competing against other local schools. We were delighted to come in second place. Thank you to all the members of Egremont Bowling Club for inviting us and taking the time to teach us the skills.
Panathlon Final 2024
Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic morning at Penrith Leisure centre this morning taking part in a Panathlon final. They completed 6 different events which involved using skills such as throwing, catching and aiming at a target. They all showed impeccable manners and great sportsmanship skills. They…
Nova Y5 Wins Dancing Trophy
Congratulations to Nova who has won the ‘Step by Step’ Silver Jubilee Junior Progress award at her dance school. We are very proud of you!
Feast of St Mary
Year 6 took part in a special service at St Mary’s Church to celebrate the month of Mary alongside representatives from other local schools. They sang beautifully in church and placed their flowers on the alter at the Grotto.
Year 4 Library Visit
Year 4 had a lovely afternoon visiting Egremont Library. The children enjoyed choosing their own books to borrow and then we finished off our visit by reading our class Novel - Varjak Paw.
Year 4 Library Visit
Year 4 had a lovely afternoon visiting Egremont Library. The children enjoyed choosing their own books to borrow and then we finished off our visit by reading our class Novel - Varjak Paw.
Year 5 Visit Egremont Library
Year 5 visited Egremont Library this morning to return books and pick some new ones. They read the blurb to check it would be something they were interested in reading before choosing it. They chose a great selection of fiction and non- fiction books and some children even chose books to read to…
Friendships 2024
What a lovely day Year 6 had today! Year 6 had a well-deserved break from their studies after a tough week of SATs to spend quality time with their friends and enjoy a veritable feast.
Year 3 Painting Skills
Year 3 have been developing their skills in using different techniques with paint. They have used blotting, change of hue to alter the shade and sgraffito, where they scratched off thick paint to reveal another colour. They have recreated Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” using impasto painting in swirly…
Abstract Art in Year 2
Year 2 have been exploring using the different lines and marks they have been using in their painting lessons to create an abstract piece of art while responding to some classical music. The children were surprised to find out that some children’s stories and films have been based on classical…