15 February 2018

The big bad wolf visit

The big bad wolf visited the Reception class.

He came to see if the houses they built were strong enough to withstand his huffing and puffing.

The children were very surprised by the results.

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15 February 2018


This week Nursery have been learning about goodies and baddies as part of their Superheroes topic.

They celebrated with a dress up day.

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Image of Supertato and Evil Pea Rules
15 January 2018

Supertato and Evil Pea Rules

This week we have been reading the stories of Supertato and Evil Pea Rules. The children then found clues that Evil Pea was in the class and he appeared and kidnapped a Super Potato. The children then made their own superhero masks to help Supertato catch Evil Pea. He had squashed some peas and…

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12 January 2018

United Utilities Workshop

Year 6 took part in a United Utilities Workshop this afternoon.

They enjoyed using maps to find local reservoirs and working out how much water the average person uses in a day.

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9 January 2018

Superhero Lair

Have a look at Nursery’s new Superhero Lair!!

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Image of Nativity scene
5 January 2018

Nativity scene

Year 2 children have been painting the Nativity scene today to mark the Epiphany tomorrow.

Their paintings will be entered into a competition

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Image of Elf watch
15 December 2017

Elf watch

Today's elf watch! He has stolen the star off the Christmas tree!

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Image of School Council Meeting
12 December 2017

School Council Meeting

We had a very productive meeting taking notes of all the ideas the pupils had passed on.

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Image of Kindness elf
11 December 2017

Kindness elf

There is a very naughty elf in Nursery!!

This week he has drawn on the children's faces, painted the window,

made a hole in the ceiling and kidnapped the "kindness elf", put toilet roll all over the room

and hid in the rainbow cloud. Today he has eaten all the chocolate in the…

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8 December 2017

First Holy Communion programme

Shortly after Christmas the children in Year Three will be invited to join the First Holy Communion programme.

This will involve a commitment to Sunday mornings for up to ten weeks before they make their First Holy Communion.

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Image of Event at Lakes College, Lillyhall
30 November 2017

Event at Lakes College, Lillyhall

Y6 were privileged to attend an exciting event at Lakes College, Lillyhall this morning with the “Bloodhound” engineering team. BLOODHOUND SSC is a unique, high-technology project to design and build a car that will break the 1,000mph barrier and set a new world land speed record

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Image of Honister Slate Mine
26 November 2017

Honister Slate Mine

Year 3 have had a truly awesome day at Honister Slate Mine! They even got to fill their pockets with Slate!

The guide today commented on what a great bunch the children were, well behaved and he was impressed with their knowledge. A few conquered fears of the dark, even the adults!

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