Image of TwoPointSixChallenge
26 April 2020


Some of us in Year 4 took part in the twopointsix challenge. The children were invited to choose their own 2.6 challenge then place their vote for which challenge they wanted their teacher to complete.

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Image of Home learning Week 1: P.E.
24 April 2020

Home learning Week 1: P.E.

During week 1 of home learning Year 2 took part in a variety of sports and activities such as cricket, football, walking, running, cycling, dancing with Oti, P.E. with Joe Wicks and trampolining. They know how important it is to exercise for good health.


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Image of Celebrating St George's Day
23 April 2020

Celebrating St George's Day

Year 2 were very creative in the ways they chose to celebrate St George'sDay. Some of them chose to draw pictures, make props such as swords, shields, flags and dragons and dress up while others baked St George's Day treats.


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19 March 2020

Nursery’s visiting chicks

Nursery have had some visitors this week in the form of chick eggs. We have been watching the chicks hatch and then looking after them in Nursery. The children also got to hold them. The yellow ones are boys and the brown ones are girls. Altogether we had 9 hatch!

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Image of Practical Maths
17 March 2020

Practical Maths

Year 2 have been working on statistics in Maths. They are finishing off the unit of work by making block graphs. They used information shown in a table to make block graphs using cubes. They asked each other questions about the information they could see, e.g. Which is the least popular? In their…

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Image of Nursery’s Stars
17 March 2020

Nursery’s Stars

Our Nursery Star’s of the week from the last few weeks. Well done!

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Image of Nursery celebrating St Patrick’s Day
17 March 2020

Nursery celebrating St Patrick’s Day

Nursery celebrated St Patrick’s Day by making rainbow hats and having our faces painted. We also had shamrocks and green rice in our messy tray. The children watched some Irish dancing and even had a go themselves. Happy St Patrick’s Day!

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Image of Year 2 and Reception Science workshop
15 March 2020

Year 2 and Reception Science workshop

We ended National Science Week by dressing up as scientists and having a science workshop delivered by Mrs Robson. We explored solids, liquids and gases. We made predictions about the outcomes and were amazed at the reactions we saw.

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Image of Year 3 are super scientists
13 March 2020

Year 3 are super scientists

We had an amazing day on Friday. We carried out a plant investigation to see what plants need to grow. We had a fun filled practical workshop with Mrs Robson and ended the day with making our own volcanoes. 

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Image of Reception & Year 1 Science Workshop
13 March 2020

Reception & Year 1 Science Workshop

Today we had a great time together exploring Solids, Liquids and Gases.  We predicted the outcomes of mixing certain materials together.  We were amazed that the reaction of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda made a gas that inflated the balloon!  We did have a bit of an explosion but it added to the…

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Image of Year 3 & Year 6 Science Workshop
13 March 2020

Year 3 & Year 6 Science Workshop

Year 3 and Year 6 enjoyed exploring reactions between solids and liquids as part of Science Day. We gave predictions and expanded our scientific reasoning.  When investigating dissolving using candy floss the children were challenged to use scientific vocabulary to explain how the solution was…

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Image of Nursery’s Science day
13 March 2020

Nursery’s Science day

Nursery joined in with the school Science day and dressed as Mad Scientists! We took part in some experiments and had a fun day of practical Science. 

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