Y5 Lockdown Exercise
Year 5 have been enjoying lots of different types of exercise during lockdown in order to keep fit and well.
Year 4 Pebble Pixies
Year 4 have been spreading a little joy by becoming Pebble Pixies. They collected pebbles, added colour and words of comfort then shared the pebbles around their locality to bring a little smile to passers by during these unprecedented times.
Year 4 Pebble Pixies
Year 4 have been spreading a little joy during these unprecedented times by becoming Pebble Pixies. They have been bringing colour and words of comfort to pebbles and delivering them in their locality to make passers by smile.
Home learning Week 3: Celebrating the 75th VE Day
Year 2 have been very busy learning about VE Day. They completed a reading comprehension about Victory in Europe then did some research of their own. They used this information to write acrostic poems linked to VE Day. The children also shared their preparations and celebrations with the rest of…
Nursery’s Mother’s Day drawings throwback
A little throwback post of our Nursery children drawing super pictures of their Mummies for Mother’s Day in March. These pictures were printed in the paper to celebrate. I hope they bring a smile to your face!
All schools pray the Rosary
I hope that this clip is helpful in explaining to your children: How do we pray the Rosary?
Victorious in celebrating VE Day in Lockdown
Reception Children create VE Day Bunting
Throughout School Closure the children have maintained strong links with school on a daily basis! We were keen to make sure we were able to celebrate this very special historical event and so the challenge set for the Reception children was to create…
Home learning Week 3: Celebrating the 75th VE Day
Year 2 came together through Class Dojo to celebrate the 75th VE Day. The children found out about Victory in Europe by completing a reading comprehension and carrying out further research of their own. They used what they had learned to write an acrostic poem about VE Day. They also shared…
Hearts for Heroes
Year 4 wanted to show their appreciation for all the people who have been working hard to care for and keep the nation safe.
Year 4 Hearts for Heroes
Year 4 wanted to show their appreciation for all the people who have been working hard to care for and keep the nation safe.
Year 4’s Hearts for Heroes
Year 4 wanted to show their appreciation for all the people who have been working hard to care for and keep the nation safe
Home learning in Year 2: Week 2
Year 2 have been inspired by the actions of Captain Tom Moore. They researched his achievements now and in the past then wrote newspaper articles about him and created some artwork to celebrate his 100th birthday.