Y6 Mental Health Nature Art Outdoors
Y6 enjoyed a morning outdoors in the fresh air using the nature in our school-yard to help them create some fantastic and highly imaginative artistic creations! It was a great way to end Mental Health Awareness Week.
Getting back to Nature
We have had a lovely week becoming more aware of Mental Health and how we can keep our minds happy and healthy. We have worked with natural things that we have collected whilst out with our families, to make temporary art pieces, role play with seaweed in the water area, make petal sun catchers…
Y5 Mental Health Awareness
Year 5 dressed in green to raise awareness of the importance of nature in keeping us happy and healthy. We talked about how nature can help with our mental health and heard lots of lovely stories of the things we do outdoors. We wrote these down and made a class poster so everyone can enjoy…
Ascension Day
The children listened carefully to the story of Jesus telling his Disciples and Mary, his mother, that everything would be alright, that they must look after each other and that he would ascend to Heaven to be with his Father there. The children were intrigued and we talked about how Jesus may…
Year 3 Wear Green For Mental Health Awareness Week
Year 3 wear green for nature on Friday, they look fantastic. Well done everyone.
Year 3 are busy looking after the birds
On Friday, we all enjoyed making Cheerio bird feeders. Hope they got home unnibbled!
Mental Health Awareness Week in Year 2
Year 2 have been reflecting on how they connect with nature and the impact this has on their mental health and well-being. The children had lots of fun using their computing skills to record their thoughts on a green screen video then add a personal photo to illustrate their favourite place to…
Y1 Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week
We all enjoyed wearing green today as part of promoting Mental Health Awareness. We had lots of fun creating some surprise ‘Take a Break’ packs to send home today. We talked about what Mental Health means and self help strategies we can use to help ourselves. Year…
Pirate parrots
The children have been making pirate parrot finger puppets this week with felt. They picked their own colours for the parrot and his beak, glued their own eyes on and added a colourful feather. Let’s hope they don’t turn into talking parrots when they get home.
Year 3 Mark Ascension Day
Year 3 learnt all about Ascension Day and did some wonderful illustrations.
Year 3 Share Happy Thoughts
We discussed that a healthy mind is a happy mind. We shared our happy thoughts with each other and sent them to parents too. They help to create our happiest thoughts.