St Bridget’s Day Y6 2025
To celebrate St Bridget’s Day, Year 6 created some artwork to illustrate the essence of St. Bridget, for the love and generosity she had for those who found life tough and her dedication to helping others. In the spirit of St Bridget, we gifted our artwork to Growing Well in Egremont together with…
The Rum Story Y6 2025
We all enjoyed a guided tour of the Rum Story enhancing our learning about the slave trade and how our locality was connected to it. It was great to be able to see real documents and artefacts and to get a sense of what life was like for the slaves being transported to the West Indies and working…
Whitehaven Harbour Trail Y6 2025
We had a guided tour of Whitehaven Harbour walking from the old to the new learning about our rich history. Who knew how significant Whitehaven Harbour was in the 17th century, its close connection to New York, how a teeny tiny pub saved it from attack and who John Paul Jones was? Not to mention…
Reindeer Run Certificates and Medals Y6 2025
- A huge well done to everyone in Y6 who participated in the Reindeer Run to raise money for children who need extra support.
Wheelchair Basketball Y6 2025
Year 6 had a fabulous time experiencing Wheelchair Basketball today. They had to use many skills and coordinate these in a different way in order to navigate the wheelchair and play the game.
Cricket Coaching Y6 2025
Year 6 have been perfecting their cricket skills of batting and bowling then putting it into practice during a match.
Year 6 Reindeer Run with Nursery 2024
Year 6 enjoyed their sponsored Reindeer Run with Nursery in aid of Jigsaw - Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice who provide daily care to children living with life limiting illnesses. In spite of the chilly wind, we all managed to run numerous laps and have have lots of fun together raising money for one…
Festive Fun and Games
Our final P.E. lesson of this year had a festive theme.
Y6 Christmas Lunch 2024
Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas lunch today.
A Surprise Visit from Mrs Christmas Y6 2024
What a lovely surprise! Mrs Christmas came to visit Y6 this morning to check everyone has been showing love and kindness throughout the year. She then kindly gave everyone a Christmas present.
Dancing in Blackpool Y6 2024
Well done to our Year 6 girls who took part in the National Dancing competition in Blackpool over the weekend and finished in 5th and 3rd place.
Making Samosas in Year 6 2024
As part of their topic in DT about street foods, Year 6 made Samosas using fresh ingredients. They have learned about how easy it is to make healthy snacks using fresh ingredients. Many learned about and tasted a new food from a different country for the first time. Yum yum