Image of Year 3 Library Visit
29 January 2019

Year 3 Library Visit

Year 3 had a lovely trip to Egremont Library today, despite a rainy walk there. We enjoyed browsing, discussing together and choosing books to borrow. Then we had a great time reading our new books and showing our friends. Please remember to return these books to the library, along with any that…

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Image of Y3 Gymnastics
29 January 2019

Y3 Gymnastics

Year 3 have been working really hard in our gymnastics sessions. We have been learning to create sequences and to do backwards rolls. We have been trying hard to keep our bodies stretched and in nice strong lines.

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Image of Year 3 First Aid Show & Tell
24 January 2019

Year 3 First Aid Show & Tell

Year 3 enjoyed a fanstastic first aid demonstration from Sophia who has started a club run by St. John’s Ambulance in Whitehaven.  Sophia could explain what she was doing and we all loved listening to her. Well done.  

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Image of Year 3 Belize Photos
24 January 2019

Year 3 Belize Photos

Today we were so excited to look at some photographs of the RAF plane Josh travelled to Belize on.  We compared it to the planes that we might use to go on holidays; we thought about the simailarities and differences.  In Computing we carried on finishing our fact files in Microsoft Word.  A big…

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Image of Year 3 Computing
17 January 2019

Year 3 Computing

Before Christmas Year 3 had a visit from Josh who is a former pupil of St. Bridget’s.  He talked to us about his job in the Army and that he would be going to work in Belize.  Today in Computing we decided to use the Internet to research the country to find out where it is in the world.  We made…

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Image of Year 3 Mile a Day Challenge
16 January 2019

Year 3 Mile a Day Challenge

Year 3 have started the New Year with a target of improving our Mile a Day.  We are committed to improving our individual PB’s and encouraging each other to complete it.  We have worked out that 20 laps of the junior playground are equivalent to a mile.  We are working on pacing ourselves to…

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Image of Year 3 Christmas Jumper Day
14 December 2018

Year 3 Christmas Jumper Day


Today we had a great day in our Christmas jumpers raising money for Save The Children. We are definitely all feeling in the Christmas spirit now! 



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Image of Florence Mine
5 December 2018

Florence Mine

Year 3 braved the rain to walk to Florence Mine today.  We met Gilbert who shared his knowledge with us.  It was really interesting learning about mining in our local area.  We enjoyed looking at the model and artefacts.  Many thanks to Mr & Mrs Stead and Mrs Bailey for helping…

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Image of Year 3 The Blessed Sacrament
23 November 2018

Year 3 The Blessed Sacrament

Today Year 3 enjoyed visiting Church to see the Blessed Sacrament within the Monstrance.  We enjoyed quiet reflection and prayer.  We devoted time to Jesus and back in school further developed our understanding of the Eucharist.  


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Image of Year 3 Meet Pudsey!
15 November 2018

Year 3 Meet Pudsey!


Today Year 3 were absolutely thrilled to meet Pudsey Bear!  We all enjoyed a good cuddle.  Year 3 spent the afternoon researching what ‘Children in Need’ means and how it helps children around the UK.  


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Image of Year 3 Stone Age Poo Investigation
14 November 2018

Year 3 Stone Age Poo Investigation

Today Year 3 all became Archaelogists investigating what Stone Age people really ate. Year 3 were lucky to receive an almost authentic sample made using a few special ingredients!  We were fully prepared using medical masks and gloves.  All Archaeologists measured the stool sample’s length, width…

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Image of Year 3 Halloween
31 October 2018

Year 3 Halloween

Year 3 spooks, ghouls and ghosties made a for a frightful sight in school today. A tremendous effort was made by everyone to be suitably scary. 


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