Year 3 have a fantastic first day!
Welcome back to our hard working year 3 children, who made a great start to the Autumn term. We also welcome Miss Lawson who supports our Year 3 children. Please look out for the Year 3 newsletter that will follow soon!
Year 3 Lowther Castle
What an awesome day with Year 3 at Lowther Castle, Penrith. Lots of fun from start to finish! A fantastic way to finish off our year together. I think the teachers had as much fun as the children.
Year 3 Surprise Tea Party for Mrs Moran
Today Year 3 had a surprise Tea Party for Mrs Moran in preparation for her retirement because we all know how much she loves tea and cake! We had a top team who decorated the classroom with balloons and set all the tables. Mrs Robson made Mars Bar cake and Mrs Moran brought treats! Plus we have…
Year 3 Tudor Masks
Year 3 had a fantastic afternoon learning about Tudor Dance. Mrs Worsley brought in some of her own special masks from Venice to look at. We enjoyed designing and creating our own masks. Year 3 were treated to a dance demonstration from Frazer and Mrs…
Year 3 Mindfulness
Over the past couple of weeks we have been working in small groups on developing our own ‘Mindfulness’. This involves celebrating ourselves and developing our own self esteem. We look forward to the rest of the groups taking part next.
Year 3 Sprint Races
Year 3 enjoyed taking part in Sprint races with some added extra challenges.
Year 3 Triple Jump Training
Year 3 enjoyed learning the skills needed for the Triple Jump. It was great fun seeing how we could improve our jumping distance.
Easter Gardens
Following on from our work on the Easter story the children designed their own Easter Prayer Gardens. They researched different styles and how they could help others to reflect. The children created their Easter Prayer Gardens at home. Thank you for the wonderful effort they put in. We absolutely…
Year 3 Athletics
Year 3 enjoyed a fun athletics session with Dan this afternoon. They enjoyed learning about how to improve their racing start. It was lots of fun playing the different games and races.
Super Science Day in Year 3
We have enjoyed an action packed day crammed with Science from start to finish. Sorry if some of us smell of vinegar tonight but we did have fun. We explored the meaning of dissolving and whether it is correct to say a solid has simply disappeared, it was necessary to eat a little candle floss…
Year 3 Science Week
As part of British Science week, Year 3 have had a great time exploring making helicopters. We had amazing fun experimenting and adapting designs, trying out varying numbers of propellers and different propeller lengths. This inspired lots of lovely discussions about air resistance and…
Year 3 World Book Day
We are having a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day in Year 3! We have enjoyed listening to everyone talking about their favourite authors and explaining who they are dressed up as today. Miss Root from The Demon Dentist is absolutely thrilled to be in class today instead of Mrs Robson and…