Year 2 Halloween
Year 2 enjoyed some Halloween maths and some spooky treats: ‘Gruesome Gooey Cupcakes’ today.
Year 2 Maths
Year 2 have been learning how to partition two digit numbers in different ways using the part whole model and base 10.
Year 2 Trip to Tullie House
Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Tullie House to meet a real life Superhero from the past. They learnt lots about how Florence Nightingale took risks and showed selflessness when she cared for injured soldiers. They also investigated and compared different objects from the past with objects we use today…
Year 2 Multi-Skills
Year 2 enjoyed themselves this morning at the multi-skills tournament at St Benedict’s School. They performed really well and even won some certificates for demonstrating excellent team spirit. Well done!
Year 2 Gymnastics
Year 2 have been learning how to balance and jump in gymnastics this morning in preparation for their competition.
Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
Year 2 listened to the word of God and, after reflection, to one another’s thoughts about giving praise to God.
Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
During Prayer & Liturgy today, Year 2 listened to the story of creation from the Bible and reflected on the wonder of creation then thought about new beginnings in their own lives. They then said a prayer to give thanks for the amazing and precious world we live in.
Year 2 ‘Material Detectives’
Year 2 became ‘Material Detectives’ this afternoon during science. They enjoyed finding different objects made of different materials. They used lots of scientific vocabulary to describe the properties of the materials.
Year 2 100 Mile Challenge
Year 2 rose to the 100 Miles Challenge this morning by running their first mile. Mr Blanks joined us to help with setting a sensible pace without stopping and to give us advice on running techniques. Now to see who can run 100 miles over the coming year!
First week in Year 2
Year 2 have settled in really well into their new class. They have been working hard during their first week. Well done and keep it up!
Year 2 Pen Licence
Year 2 have been secretly practising their handwriting with a pen in the hope they earn a pen licence soon after they join Year 3. I think they are already ready for a pen licence. Well done Year 2 for working so hard to write neatly all year.
Year 2 Board Games
This morning, Year 2 enjoyed playing board games with Year 6 who had designed and made the games themselves.