This week in Nursery we have been planting seeds and learning what a seed needs to grow - sun, soil and water.We have read the stories Errol’s Garden and The Extraordinary Gardener and can’t wait to see what our seeds grow into. Inspired by the fruit and vegetables grown in the stories we read, we…
Nursery: Baking Bread
This week in Nursery we tried to bake some bread. The children each took a turn to scoop the bread mixture into a bowl. As they did this the children guessed what we would be making. Their guesses included cookies and cupcakes. They took it in turns to mix and pour some water in the bowl. As they…
‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’
This week in Nursery we started our topic “How does your garden and its creatures grow?”
We looked at different Spring pictures and began to change our tree in the Small World from a Winter tree into a Spring tree. The children all created some handprint mini beasts to go with the tree.
Pancake Day in Nursery 2024
Today we celebrated Pancake Day!
We made the Pancake batter using flour, eggs and milk and whisked it all together.
Reception came to join us and Miss Vaughan and Mrs Palmer cooked and flipped the pancakes in the kitchen.
We were able to eat our pancakes with a variety of different…
Valentines in Nursery
Over the last few weeks in Nursery we have been getting ready to celebrate Valentine's Day.
We have been making hand printed flower craft to give to someone we care about at home as well as baking and decorating Valentine's biscuits.
The children picked the size of the heart shaped cutter that…
2024 Safer Internet Day in Nursery
On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day. Our older Nursery children had a look and explored an iPad. Lots of the children said they have iPads at home. They shared that they play games and watch shows on their iPads.
We talked about what to do if something pops up on the iPad and they don’t know…
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery
This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year.
We know that this year is the year of the dragon, and to decide this there was ‘The Great Race’ between the animals.
To celebrate we have been creating our very own dragon pictures, uncovering different Chinese symbols and having a go…
2024 NSPCC Number Day in Nursery
We have loved celebrating and supporting NSPCC Number Day in Nursery today! Our day was inspired by the Numberblocks.
We came dressed with numbers on our clothes and enjoyed dancing to different number songs and hunting numbers outside.
We also decorated Numberblocks and were able to cut…
Nursery Celebrate St Bridget’s Day
We baked and decorated biscuits to celebrate St Bridget’s Day. We used red icing inspired by our burgundy coloured uniform and added sprinkles too. We talked about who St Bridget was, that she is our patron saint, and that our school is named St Bridget’s, which is why we are celebrating St…
Nursery: ‘Tiddler’
Last week our Nursery children enjoyed reading the story ‘Tiddler’ by Julia Donaldson, as part of our ‘All about Julia’ topic.
They loved exploring the ‘Tiddler’ inspired messy tray, looking for the sea creatures from the story in the jelly.
Other children enjoyed creating some tangram…
‘I want to be … a Doctor’
This week our younger children have loved reading the story ‘I want to be …a Doctor’ and using the role play equipment pretending to be a doctor. Our older children loved joining in and helping them too.
Nursery Snow Day
What a lovely snow day we have had this morning! We have made snow angels, snowmen and had snow ball fights. We loved warming up with a hot chocolate at snack time.