Nursery: Maths Building Towers
This week our older Nursery children have been using the Construction blocks to help them with their Maths work. They counted and identified numbers 1-5. For each number they then built a tower using that number of blocks to make it. Some children when they had added too many blocks or not enough…
Nursery: Empty and Full
This week our older Nursery children have been using the water tray in Maths to learn about full and empty.
We also talked about when a container is light or heavy. Lots of children were able to fill a container until it was full and tell us it was heavy. We saw some excellent team work form the…
Year 4 Rounders Practice
This morning Yr4 took part in some rounders practice. They practiced different throwing techniques, learning the best throw to cover a greater distance as well as a good bowling throw.
The children then practiced some team games putting the techniques into practice and learning the different…
Nursery: Solar System Cupcakes
Continuing with our topic ‘From Another Planet’, we have been baking some cupcakes to decorate to look like the planets in Space.
We had lots of eager children want to decorate their cupcake like our planet - Earth. They were very good at recognising the colours they needed to make planet being…
Nursery: Letter Formation
Our Nursery 1 children have been practising lots of letter formation this week!
We have practised writing the letter ‘m’ using the phonics phrase ‘maisie mountain mountain’ and we have also practised writing the letter ‘a’, using the phonics phrase ‘around the apple, down the leaf’.
Nursery: ‘From Another Planet’
This week in Nursery we have started our new topic ‘From Another Planet’. The children have loved playing in the space station and looking at different planets in our messy tray learning about space.
Then the children created their own planets and rockets.
Nursery: Seeds to Plants
At the start of the half term we planted some seeds. We learnt all about what a seed needs to grow. We put this into practice and we were very pleased to say that some of our seeds have grown and were taken home today!
Nursery: Inspired by Piet Mondrian
This week we have been inspired by the artist Piet Mondrian. We had a go at decorating some Easter eggs using the colours and patterns that he used too! We loved using lots of different tools to paint with!
Science Week in Yr4: Maria Telkes
Last week was British Science Week. In Year 4 we researched into the Scientist Maria Telkes. The children researched and found out about Maria Telkes’ life and Scientific achievements as a Biophysicist. One of the key facts the children found about about her was that she was known as ‘The Sun…
PSHE: Happiness Ninja Gala 2024
Today our new Happiness Ninjas from Y2-Y6 were out at their training gala. They learnt how to always be the best version of themselves and not to wait for Fridays to be happy.
The children were each given a wristband by ‘The Marathon Man’ Gary McGee, who shared that whenever you feel tired and…
Nursery: The Body Book
This week some of our older children have been reading ‘The Body Book’. We discussed how this book was not a story book but a book with facts in, a non fiction text.
We have learnt that in our body there is a skeleton that keeps us upright. We had a go at finding different body parts and drawing…
2024 World Book Day in Nursery
What a fabulous day we have had celebrating World Book Day! We came dressed as our favourite characters or in our pyjamas. Some of us brought along our favourite story books to share with each other too. In the afternoon we were joined by some of Year 4 who came to read to us too!