Year 4 Literary Event at St Bees School
In Year 4 this week, we have attended a literary event at St Bees School where we have taken part in a carousel of engaging workshops. We met local author, H.M Sharpe, who guided us along the tale of an Irish princess through drama and improvisation. We took part in book journaling and collage,…
Year 4 St Joseph’s Day 2025
In Year 4, our class saint is Saint Joseph. His feast day is celebrated on the 19th March. To celebrate this day, we all wore green and brown which are the colours associated with him. We then learned about his life and how his special day is celebrated in other countries across the world.
Year 4 Digestive System Investigation
To conclude our topic on The Digestive System, Year 4 donned their lab coats ready to investigate how the process of digestion takes place. The children were given a range of different items which replicate the digestive organs. Working in teams, the children then planned their own investigations.…
Year 4 Biggest Ever Football Session 2025
Year 4 fully embraced the Biggest Ever Football Session today in our matches with Year 3. Both boys and girls enjoyed a match and a penalty shootout. The children showed such brilliant team work, sportsmanship and resilience.
Year 4 Dance
This week we have started our Spring 2 half term with dance in PE. We worked in pairs to create routines to the count of 8. We included steps, spins and turns to build our routines. We then performed our steps for the class to see.
Safer Internet Day in Year 4
For Safer Internet Day in Year 4, we have been researching Roblox. We discovered that it is a very popular app in our class with almost all of the children having played it before. We learned about the pros and the cons of the app. We held a class discussion and then made our own information…
Year 4 Swimming 2025
Year 4 have been super swimmers this week! We have seen such wonderful resilience, team work and effort and all of the children should be very proud of themselves. The swim coaches even chose three swimmers of the week
Year 4 Love & Social Justice 2025
To promote the Pope’s message of love and social justice, in Year 4 we have thought about how we can spread this message in our communities. We have set ourselves a mission of showing love, fairness and kindness to all those around us and to treat others how we want to be treated. We have also…
Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 Year 4
The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Know Yourself;Grow Yourself’ so in Year 4 we have spent this week focusing on Growth Mindset. We know that mistakes help us to improve, we must always try new strategies and that we will get there in the end. We have all created our own,…
NSPCC Number Day 2025 Year 4
For NSPCC Number Day this year, Year 4 have enjoyed a Maths filled morning. We have played a carousel of different Maths games and have challenged each other to create our own. We’ve then explored a range of different online Maths games that we haven’t tried before.
Year 4 St Bridget’s Feast Day 2025
In Year 4, to celebrate St Bridget’s feast day, we have been learning about her life and work. St Bridget dedicated her life to helping the people of her community and so we decided that we would like to help some of the people in our own. We designed a bookmark and combined it with a little treat…
Year 4 Wheelchair Basketball
This week we absolutely loved our experience playing Wheelchair Basketball! We honed our skills of teamwork, throwing and catching, whilst also trying to manoeuvre the wheelchairs (with some speed too!) across the court.