Safer Internet Day - AI
For Safer Internet Day Year 4 researched Artificial Intelligence . They discussed the pros and cons, e.g. enhanced learning opportunities, instant and efficient, limited human interaction and the collection of personal data to name a few. There were mixed reviews! They collated their findings and…
Year 4 Rugby
Today, we had a parent/rugby coach in school to help us with some ball skills - we’re having an action packed week! All the children gave it their all and worked on attacking and defending techniques.
Year 4 Wheelchair Basketball
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed wheelchair basketball today. I certainly saw their competitive natures surface. Some brilliant defending techniques and a good time had by all.
Year 4 PSHE
Year 4 have taken part in some mindful activities and circle time as part of their PSHE lessons focused on their hopes and dreams for the future. This led onto discussions about being resilient, staying positive and having determination to succeed.
Football in Year 4
Year 4 enjoyed improving their football skills with Stuart.